Joined May 2015
Drawing inspiration from the many facets of modern life, influenced by Malaysian and other Asian cultures, the music of WVC TRiO +1 cuts across many musical genres and defies any kind of classificatio... See More
WVC - Malaysian Jazz Ensemble将于6月24和25日在吉隆坡表演艺术中心举行和专辑同名的WAITING FOR THAT DAY A Live Concert。两场演奏会的风格各有不同,除了演出嘉宾,音乐风格也不尽相同。演出阵容除了WVC以外,确认与会助兴的嘉宾包括了弦乐乐团- Arioso Sinfonia,大马著名歌手及爵士名伶-周博华,友弟,何芸妮及Janet Lee李抒芬及马来西亚著名书法家王雅
WVC - Malaysian Jazz Ensemble马来西亚首席爵士乐队由郑泽相(钢琴)、Julian Chan(萨克斯风)、AJ PopShuvIt(贝斯)和KJ Wong(鼓手)组成。从2007年开始每年一度巡回全亚洲。WVC曾经受邀参与新加坡艺术节、Mosaic Music Festival、台中爵士音乐节,天津爵士音乐节和亚庇爵士音乐节。在最近的中国演出,WVC在短短一个月内去了18个城市举行了23场演出,叫好叫座。目前WVC已发行4张纯爵士乐专,包括2014年的最新专辑《Waiting For That Day》。
另外我们也与联合国难民基金会(UNHCR The UN Refugee Agency),以及慈济基金会(Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation)联手合作,将演奏会所得的一部分捐助给这两个机构,救济难民用途。
WVC乐队由郑泽相(钢琴)、Julian Chan(萨克斯风)、AJ PopShuvIt(贝斯)和KJ Wong(鼓手)组成。这个乐队是马来西亚的首席爵士乐队,,以爵士音乐来表态,融于各种现代音乐的乐风中寻找说故事的风格,致力创造属于他们的音乐语汇,从2007年开始每年一度巡回全亚洲。WVC曾经受邀参与新加坡艺术节、Mosaic Music Festival、台中爵士音乐节和亚比爵士音乐节,在最近的中国演出,WVC在短短一个月内去了18个城市举行了23场演出,叫好叫座。目前WVC已发行4张纯爵士乐专,包括2014年的最新专辑《Waiting For That Day》。
从美国发源的爵士音乐中寻找说故事的风格,从现代城市生活中汲取养分,缝隙间透露的是马来西亚和亚洲的文化,以爵士音乐来表态,WVC TRiO 自从成立以来难以以单一种类的风格来界定。爵士音乐是出发点,可是涉猎的乐风随心所欲,可能是看要说的故事而定吧。
成团于2006年以三重奏的身份出击,马来西亚爵士乐团WVC TRiO 团长郑泽相、萨克斯管乐手Julian Chan、贝司手AJ Popshuvit和鼓手KJ Wong,以爵士音乐来表态,融于各种现代音乐的乐风中寻找说故事的风格,致力创造属于他们的音乐语汇。从2007年开始就进行一年一度的巡回,至今他们已经走过了亚洲各大城市巡回:杭州,常州,无锡,苏州,上海,北京,天津,郴州,长沙,成都,重庆,厦门,广州,深圳,顺德,澳门,曼谷,台北,台中,澳门,曼谷,新加坡,匹兹堡,纽约和摩根城。
WVC TRiO 至今已经推出了四张专辑:2008年的WVC TRiO, 2009 年的 Evelen, 2011 年的In the Dark, I See Her.,以及2014 ·Waiting For That Day 。
专辑中大多曲子都是团友们的创作,以爵士乐为基调,各种现代音乐的乐风构建不同的故事。另外,传统爵士乐的精神,将流行曲子;百老汇名曲;电影名曲等等改编为爵士乐演奏的动作,也是WVC TRiO 喜欢的。是以他们已经改编了现代人熟知的曲子:甜蜜蜜,我愿意,菊花台,童话,至少还有你,茉莉花,Getaran Jiwa, Don’t Know Why。因为爵士乐的精神是一个不断自我更新,与时并进的。
至今WVC TRiO 已经参与了本区域几项重要的爵士音乐节。Taichung Jazz Festival (2010 +2013), Kota Kinabalu Jazz Festival (2010), Phuket International Jazz Festival (2011), Tianjin International Jazz Festival (2012), Macau International Jazz Week (2012), Tianjin May Music Festival (2013),联合国文教组织官方国际爵士音乐日(2014)。WVC TRiO +1 也是马来西亚爵士乐的重要推手,常受邀为大马和海外的歌手艺人伴奏演出,也参与许多专辑的录音和制作。
与Pop Pop Music 合作的一连串音乐会,以及中文爵士专辑(JZ8的绚丽璀璨, 何芸妮的靡靡之音,周博华的Time,友弟的情调,Pop Pop 群星的Bloom Vol. 1) 都是在推动爵士乐在中文音乐听众的认识。与杨伟汉的姚敏致敬音乐会上,也以爵士乐作为音乐会的主轴。
Tay Cher Siang 郑泽相
团长,钢琴家,编曲人,作曲家,制作人,教育家。毕业于美国West Virginia University,郑泽相在马来西亚和亚洲的音乐圈子非常活跃,参与国际乐队Unit Asia,巡回于日本各大城市,马尼拉,曼谷,清迈,新加坡,河内,胡志明市,文莱,吉隆坡,土耳其,印度,埃及,马德里,巴塞罗纳,罗马,科隆等地。他也参与音乐剧(玫瑰传奇,玄奘)的制作,电影音乐(新村)的制作,从编曲,作曲到录音制作。郑泽相也热心于音乐教育的传播,尤其是爵士音乐在中文音乐圈子的传播,时常在不同的大学,学院,音乐学校给予讲座,教导等等。
Julian Chan 曾庆松
萨克斯管乐手,作曲家,编曲家,教育家。曾先生是马来西亚土生土长新生代萨克斯管演奏第一把手。早在2005年以主要萨克斯风手就参与了李宗盛“理性与感性“世界巡演,曾先生毅然在2009年放弃许多世界巡演的邀约到美国纽约Queens College 于世界名家Antonio Hart 学习爵士萨克斯风。学成归来的Julian Chan 仍然活跃于流行音乐圈子,为李宗盛,林忆莲,张信哲等等顶尖艺人伴奏。另外Julian Chan也是马来西亚爵士乐圈子里主要推手之一,热心于爵士音乐的普及和推动。
AJ Popshuvit
司手AJ 是乐团里面的摇滚巨星,隶属马来西亚最成功的摇滚乐队Popshuvit ,AJ的骨子里面却还是流着爵士音乐的血。平时他也是一位唱片监制,录音师,混音师。
KJ Wong
鼓手KJ 是乐团里面最年轻的成员,刚刚毕业于美国加州Musician’s Institute,刚回国就被WVC TRiO +1 诚意邀约成为这个乐团的常任鼓手,而且已经在马来西亚的音乐圈子里面炙手可热。
WVC proudly presents WAITING FOR THAT DAY A Live Concert
Musicians:WVC TRiO + 1 -
Guest Artists:友弟Yudi (June 24)、周博华Chew Paul Wah (June 25)、Winnie Ho 何芸妮 (June 24& 25)、Janet Lee (June 24& 25)
Collaborative Artists:Arioso Sinfonia, Calligrapher Wang Ya, Videographer Tan Choo Harn, Photographer Wong Horng Yih, Dancers led by Sae Min
Date & Time:24th & 25th June 2015 @ 8:30pm
Venue:Pentas 1, Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre, Sentul Park, Jalan Strachan, Off Jalan Ipoh, KL
Email:[email protected]
制作團 Production Team:
导演/制作人/Director / Producer /
音乐总监/編曲Music Director / Arranger:鄭澤相 Tay Cher Siang
制作監督Project Manager:张幼菁Melissa Teoh
音响设计師Sound Designer:John Siew
燈光設計師Lighting Designer:林安瑞Lim Ang Swee
WVC will be holding a two concert nights entitled,, “Waiting For That Day” at the Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (KLPAC) on 24th and 25th of June 2015.
Presenting two nights of musical programme consisting of original compositions together with different guest performers and accompanied by an expanded ensemble including a 10 piecestring orchestra, Arioso Sinfonia, giving the concert repertoire a new sonic palate; guest performers include notable Malaysian singers, Janet Lee, Winnie Ho, Paulwah Chew and Yudi Yap; and Calligraphy artist Wang Ya.
WVC is a music ensemble based in Malaysia currently comprising of Tay Cher Siang (Piano),
Julian Chan (Saxophone), AJ PopShuvIt (Bass), KJ Wong (Drums). Having its roots on the
shores of the New World, where it was originally formed in West Virginia, it has since undergone several iterations to become what it is today and migrated back to Malaysia. The ensemble’s music tries to examine and express the human condition in modern life, using the art form known as "jazz" as its stylistic musical vehicle. While most of their work is hear live, taking the stages of notable Jazz halls of Malaysia, the ensemble does have four albums under their wing with their latest album “Waiting for That Day” launched in 2014. The ensemble has also toured extensively across Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and China. With their recent tour of China, travelling extensively over 18 cities and performed 23 concerts within a month, using different means of transportation, playing in many different types of venues.
Jazz is an expression of innovation and adaptivity with its roots in the need for improvising on the go, and we push listeners to expand their minds and look past the limitation of scope and visualization. We believe in the miracle of education and exposure, it is from this notion that we have conceptualize this programme for like-minded individuals or organizations to sponsor a group of students who would benefit from attending this event but may not have the means to afford it.
We look forward to your kind support for this meaningful concert night, by way of seeking your ticket sponsorship in the following manner. Your generosity and support is greatly appreciated!
There is a certain allure in attending a live concert. As much as it is implied in the term we use to describe it - a live concert is alive. It is the sharing of that space and moment where one is connected with the music making process, as it comes into existence, through the vibrations of a billion particles filling the void between the audience and the musicians. And in those brief few hours, one immerses oneself into the euphoria of orchestrated sounds we call music as the musicians weave their expressions that we relate to on a level that transcends words. It is also a unique experience that once passed cannot be repeated again; though recordings lets you re-live these moments but it is already dead in recording fixed and having lost its fluidity as replaying it only gives you the same notes and rhythm recorded.
Jazz is a genre that often many cannot come to agree what it is, but it is easier to get a consensus of what it isn’t. Drawing it’s roots from the meeting of cultures when the African slaves are brought by western colonials to the shores of the New World, it is genre that embodies adaptation and adoption, of improvisation, giving it a wider gamut of musicality. It is also a genre of defiance and rebellion, of breaking away from set rules. It is this fluidity that makes it difficult to define yet easy to recognize. It is also this nature of Jazz that makes it a music that has to be heard live.
WVC is a music ensemble based in Malaysia currently comprising of Tay Cher Siang (Piano), Julian Chan (Saxophone), AJ PopShuvIt (Bass), KJ Wong (Drums). Having its roots on the shores of the New World, where it was originally formed in West Virginia, it has since undergone several iterations to become what it is today and migrated back to Malaysia. The ensemble’s music tries to examine and express the human condition in modern life, using the art form known as "jazz" as its stylistic musical vehicle. While most of their work are hear live, taking the stages of notable Jazz halls of Malaysia, the ensemble does have four albums under their wing with their latest album “Waiting For That Day” launched in 2014. The ensemble have also toured extensively across Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and China. With their recent tour of China, travelling extensively over 18 cities and performed 23 concerts within a month, using different means of transportation, playing in many different types of venues.
WVC will be holding a Live Concert taking the title of their latest album, “Waiting For That Day”, at the Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (KLPAC) on the 24th and 25th of June presenting two slightly different repertoire each night with different guest performers and accompanied by an expanded ensemble than their usual line-up. Guest performers include Malaysia notable singers, Janet Lee, Winnie Ho, Paulwah Chew and Yudi Yap. An 11 piece string orchestra Arioso Sinfonia will join the band, gives WVC repertoire new sonic pallatte.
Musical Background
WVC draws musical inspiration from the many facets of modern life influenced by Malaysian and other Asian cultures, and cuts across many musical genres defying any kind of accurate classification. Original compositions such as “The Art of the Wind Up Alarm Clock”, “Found and Lost”, “Standing in the Rain on Euclid Avenue”, “Lost in Different Time Zone”, “Waiting for That Day” are attempts to examine and express the human condition of modern life, using the art form known as "jazz" as its stylistic musical vehicle. In addition, the band also experiments with transforming unlikely pop tunes, Chinese classics, and much mainstream music into new jazz re-arrangements, in the spirit of the great jazz musicians of old.
WVC has undergone three stages of metamorphosis since its inception in 2006. It started as a University ensemble, playing Jazz standards and covers, with Tay Cher Siang as the bandleader with Jon Cavendish on Bass and Adam Osmianski on bass. It was given an unimaginative band name: West Virginia Connection (WVC).
After moving back to Malaysia, Tay Cher Siang brought the band back with him, and toured Malaysia, Singapore and China, with the original band members and recorded the band’s first self titled album “WVC TRiO” in 2008. Julian Chan joined the band in 2008, as the resident saxophonist, and added much sonic color to the music. This marked the milestone where WVC started moving towards writing and performing original compositions written by the band members. Vincent Ong later joined the band replacing Jon Cavendish as the resident bassist and contributed a few original tunes.
The band toured extensively in Malaysia, Singapore and China as an annual affair. These tours, since 2006, were self funded, self organized and covered thousands of kilometers, playing in many cities and towns in Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, Melaka, Muar, Batu Pahat, Kluang, Johor Bahru, Ipoh, Penang, Sungai Petani, Alor Star, Kota Kinabalu, Sandakan, Kuching, and in China: Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Wuxi, Nanjing, Chenzhou, Changsha, Chengdu, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Fuoshan, Shenzhen, Shunde, Macau, as well as other countries includes Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand etc.
These tours were usually packed into a short period of time, covering as much ground as possible, playing in Jazz clubs, conservatories, pubs, concert halls, auditoriums, school halls, hotel ballrooms and even kindergartens. On these tours, the band traveled in buses, vans, cars, trains, aeroplanes in the true tradition of the travelling minstrels of Jazz history.
This particular line-up of musicians produced two albums:
“Eleven” (2009) and “In the Dark I See Her” (2011)
In 2012, Aj PopShuvit, the bassist for the most successful rock band in Malaysian music history “PopShuvit”, joined WVC as the resident bassist. With AJ’s addition, it brought a much broader sonic pallete of musical influences into WVC. In the same year Kj Wong joined WVC as the resident drummer and as such, the current incarnation of WVC is now complete.
The current WVC ensemble has been invited to perform at some major Jazz Festivals across Asia, notably the Taichung Jazz Festival, the Tianjin Jazz Festival, the Macau Jazz Festival and the KK Jazz Festival.
With this current ensemble, WVC released its fourth album in 2014 entitled, “Waiting For That Day”. And in conjunction with the release of the fourth album, WVC took to the road for their traditional annual tour of China bringing the music from the album to over 18 cities and performing 23 concerts across China spanning the continent from Shanghai to Chengdu, from Beijing to Shenzhen.
WVC has also had the privilege in collaborating with various notable Malaysian and international Singers and Performers either in live performances, concerts or album production. These notably includes Janet Lee (Restless Heart 2015), Lydia Chew (Compositions 2015, Jz8 2009), Chew Paulwah (Time 2010), Winnie Ho (Decadent Sound of Teresa Teng 2012, Bloom 2013), Yang Wei Han (Yao Min 2013), Yudi (Kopi Susu 2014), Zyan (Brasileiro 2011), Various Singers (Listen to the Wind: Pay Fong Centenary Album 2013), Jasmine Chen, Valtinho Anastacio, Michael Simon and more.
WVC currently remains one of the most active units in the Malaysian performance circuit and is one of the most sought after jazz bands in Malaysia for Hi-Fi recordings and live performances.
Tay Cher Siang
Bandleader, Composer, Arranger, Jazz Pianist, Jazz Educator
Tay Cher Siang started his piano lessons learning classical music. He took up an interest in Jazz during his teenage years and began to pursue his musical journey as a jazz pianist. He received his Masters in Jazz Pedagogy under the tutorage of Dr. Miltenberger and Professor Scea. Tay then immersed himself in the education of Jazz and taught at UCSI University (UCSI), University of Malaya (UM), The Yamaha Music Academy and Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). He is also teaching at his private studio, and giving master classes, jazz clinics throughout Malaysia. As a performer, Tay has toured extensively with his own band WVC TRiO +1 and also with a multi nationals band Unit Asia, to China, Taiwan, Macau, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Brunei, Indonesia, Japan, Turkey, Egypt, India, Italy, Germany, Spain, and USA. Tay has also been involved in a total of seven albums released throughout the years, with original compositions and arrangements. Tay is currently active in producing recordings with various artists and singers in the region. Tay has been music director for various concerts and musical acts. Tay’s music career also involves scoring movie soundtrack, Musical productions and Theater works.
Julian Chan
Saxophonist, Composer, Arranger, Educator
Julian Chan is a freelance saxophonist/flutist based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He recently graduated with a Masters degree in Jazz Performance from Queens College in NYC, where he studied with jazz greats Antonio Hart, Michael Mossman, (the late) Prof. Emeritus Howard Brofsky and David Berkman. In addition, he has also studied/mentored, as well as performed with many Malaysian music legends – Greg Lyons, Thomas Theseira, David Gomes, Michael Veerapen, Jose Thomas, and many others. Julian is an established performer and sessionist in Malaysia, and began his professional performance career from 2001 until present. Like most musicians in the Malaysian music scene, Julian started his career performing in small gigs, such as hotel lounge jazz bands and private events (such as weddings, corporate events, etc). It wasn’t long before he eventually increased his exposure as a saxophonist and a sessionist, and this gave him the opportunity to perform and play in more notable shows and with more notably higher profile musicians and artistes, as well as recording for various sessions, ranging from advertisement jingles to albums. He has performed in Malaysia and other parts of the Asian region, from Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Taiwan, China and recently Japan. He has played with various jazz luminaries and established himself well in the Malaysian music scene, as a sideman and as a bandleader. In the span of 11 years, Julian has performed in all the jazz venues in Malaysia, from the well-established No Black Tie, Alexis Bistro, Mezze Lounge, Nero Fico, to the now-defunct The Top Room, Groove Junction, and many others. He has also managed to perform out in other countries around the Asian region, going out on tour with Chinese pop artistes as well as jazz tours.
Julian Chan have been playing the saxophone for 22 years beginning at a young age of 14. He later went on to business school pursuing his undergraduate studies. After graduation, he went into music business, taking lessons with Greg Lyons for several years. In that time, he has worked with various musicians/groups/musical situations, all of them pioneers in their field, performing for 7 years; performing with his own bands and other bands in all the notable jazz clubs and venues, festivals. During this time he also played as a sessionist in musicals, theatre, albums and commercial recordings. Julian Chan has also been part of Asian tours with the famed singer-songwriter Jonathan Lee from Taiwan. Julian then moved on to New York to pursue his studies . Got a Masters Degree in Jazz Performance in 2010. Moved back to KL to develop performing and teaching career in 2011. Currently lecturing in UCSI/UM/UPM and also private teaching studio, workshops, masterclasses, etc.
“WVC TRiO” (2008)
“Eleven” (2009)
“In the Dark I See Her” (2011)
“Waiting For That Day” (2014)
In Collaboration with others:
“JZ8” (2009) - Lydia Chew
“Time” (2010) - Chew PaulWah
“Brasileiro (芭莎公主)” (2011) - Z Yan
“Jazzy Sound of Teresa Teng” (2012) - Winnie Ho
“Yao Min” (2013) - Yang WeiHan
“Kopi Susu” (2014) - Yudi Yap
“Restless Heart” (2015) - Janet Lee
“Compositions” (2015) - Lydia Chew
Joined May 2015
Drawing inspiration from the many facets of modern life, influenced by Malaysian and other Asian cultures, the music of WVC TRiO +1 cuts across many musical genres and defies any kind of classification. Tunes such as “The Art of the Wind Up Alarm Clock”, “Found and Lost”, “Standing in the Rain on Euclid Avenue” tries to examine and express the human condition in modern life, using the artform known as "jazz" as its stylistic musical vehicle.
Formed in 2006 as a trio, WVC TRiO +1 completed its quartet line up with the addition of saxophonist Julian Chan. The group has toured extensively in the region, heralding back the spirit being "on the road" of touring jazz bands of old. Through these regional tours, WVC TRiO +1 has brought its music to many corners of Malaysia, Singapore, China, Taiwan, Thailand, and Macao. In one of these tours, the quartet managed to travel extensively over 18 cities within a month, using different means of transportation, playing in many different types of venues.
WVC TRiO +1 has three instrumental albums - “WVC TRiO” (2008), “ELEVEN” (2009), “In the Dark, I See Her” (2011) - that explored different musical genres (while maintaining the spirit of jazz as its core) and combinations in its line-up. Most of the tunes recorded are original tunes written by the band members. In addition, the band also experiments with transforming unlikely pop tunes, Chinese classics, and many mainstream music into new jazz re-arrangements, in the spirit of the great jazz musicians of old.
WVC TRiO +1 has been invited to appear in many festivals in the region such as Taichung Jazz Festival, Kota Kinabalu Jazz Festival, Phuket International Jazz Festival, Tianjin International Jazz Fest, Macao International Jazz Week and many others. In addition, the band has played extensively in the Malaysian local jazz clubs, from No Black Tie, Nero Fico, (the now defunct) Venue, and many others.
The present incarnation of the WVC Trio + 1 consists of bandleader/composer/arranger/music director/pianist Tay Cher Siang, bassist AJ, drummer KJ Wong and saxophonist Julian Chan. The band remains one of the most active units in the Malaysian performance circuit and is one of the most sought after bands in Malaysia for Hi-Fi recordings and live performances.
Joined May 2015
Drawing inspiration from the many facets of modern life, influenced by Malaysian and other Asian cultures, the music of WVC TRiO +1 cuts across many musical genres and defies any kind of classificatio... See More
WVC - Malaysian Jazz Ensemble将于6月24和25日在吉隆坡表演艺术中心举行和专辑同名的WAITING FOR THAT DAY A Live Concert。两场演奏会的风格各有不同,除了演出嘉宾,音乐风格也不尽相同。演出阵容除了WVC以外,确认与会助兴的嘉宾包括了弦乐乐团- Arioso Sinfonia,大马著名歌手及爵士名伶-周博华,友弟,何芸妮及Janet Lee李抒芬及马来西亚著名书法家王雅
WVC - Malaysian Jazz Ensemble马来西亚首席爵士乐队由郑泽相(钢琴)、Julian Chan(萨克斯风)、AJ PopShuvIt(贝斯)和KJ Wong(鼓手)组成。从2007年开始每年一度巡回全亚洲。WVC曾经受邀参与新加坡艺术节、Mosaic Music Festival、台中爵士音乐节,天津爵士音乐节和亚庇爵士音乐节。在最近的中国演出,WVC在短短一个月内去了18个城市举行了23场演出,叫好叫座。目前WVC已发行4张纯爵士乐专,包括2014年的最新专辑《Waiting For That Day》。
另外我们也与联合国难民基金会(UNHCR The UN Refugee Agency),以及慈济基金会(Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation)联手合作,将演奏会所得的一部分捐助给这两个机构,救济难民用途。
WVC乐队由郑泽相(钢琴)、Julian Chan(萨克斯风)、AJ PopShuvIt(贝斯)和KJ Wong(鼓手)组成。这个乐队是马来西亚的首席爵士乐队,,以爵士音乐来表态,融于各种现代音乐的乐风中寻找说故事的风格,致力创造属于他们的音乐语汇,从2007年开始每年一度巡回全亚洲。WVC曾经受邀参与新加坡艺术节、Mosaic Music Festival、台中爵士音乐节和亚比爵士音乐节,在最近的中国演出,WVC在短短一个月内去了18个城市举行了23场演出,叫好叫座。目前WVC已发行4张纯爵士乐专,包括2014年的最新专辑《Waiting For That Day》。
从美国发源的爵士音乐中寻找说故事的风格,从现代城市生活中汲取养分,缝隙间透露的是马来西亚和亚洲的文化,以爵士音乐来表态,WVC TRiO 自从成立以来难以以单一种类的风格来界定。爵士音乐是出发点,可是涉猎的乐风随心所欲,可能是看要说的故事而定吧。
成团于2006年以三重奏的身份出击,马来西亚爵士乐团WVC TRiO 团长郑泽相、萨克斯管乐手Julian Chan、贝司手AJ Popshuvit和鼓手KJ Wong,以爵士音乐来表态,融于各种现代音乐的乐风中寻找说故事的风格,致力创造属于他们的音乐语汇。从2007年开始就进行一年一度的巡回,至今他们已经走过了亚洲各大城市巡回:杭州,常州,无锡,苏州,上海,北京,天津,郴州,长沙,成都,重庆,厦门,广州,深圳,顺德,澳门,曼谷,台北,台中,澳门,曼谷,新加坡,匹兹堡,纽约和摩根城。
WVC TRiO 至今已经推出了四张专辑:2008年的WVC TRiO, 2009 年的 Evelen, 2011 年的In the Dark, I See Her.,以及2014 ·Waiting For That Day 。
专辑中大多曲子都是团友们的创作,以爵士乐为基调,各种现代音乐的乐风构建不同的故事。另外,传统爵士乐的精神,将流行曲子;百老汇名曲;电影名曲等等改编为爵士乐演奏的动作,也是WVC TRiO 喜欢的。是以他们已经改编了现代人熟知的曲子:甜蜜蜜,我愿意,菊花台,童话,至少还有你,茉莉花,Getaran Jiwa, Don’t Know Why。因为爵士乐的精神是一个不断自我更新,与时并进的。
至今WVC TRiO 已经参与了本区域几项重要的爵士音乐节。Taichung Jazz Festival (2010 +2013), Kota Kinabalu Jazz Festival (2010), Phuket International Jazz Festival (2011), Tianjin International Jazz Festival (2012), Macau International Jazz Week (2012), Tianjin May Music Festival (2013),联合国文教组织官方国际爵士音乐日(2014)。WVC TRiO +1 也是马来西亚爵士乐的重要推手,常受邀为大马和海外的歌手艺人伴奏演出,也参与许多专辑的录音和制作。
与Pop Pop Music 合作的一连串音乐会,以及中文爵士专辑(JZ8的绚丽璀璨, 何芸妮的靡靡之音,周博华的Time,友弟的情调,Pop Pop 群星的Bloom Vol. 1) 都是在推动爵士乐在中文音乐听众的认识。与杨伟汉的姚敏致敬音乐会上,也以爵士乐作为音乐会的主轴。
Tay Cher Siang 郑泽相
团长,钢琴家,编曲人,作曲家,制作人,教育家。毕业于美国West Virginia University,郑泽相在马来西亚和亚洲的音乐圈子非常活跃,参与国际乐队Unit Asia,巡回于日本各大城市,马尼拉,曼谷,清迈,新加坡,河内,胡志明市,文莱,吉隆坡,土耳其,印度,埃及,马德里,巴塞罗纳,罗马,科隆等地。他也参与音乐剧(玫瑰传奇,玄奘)的制作,电影音乐(新村)的制作,从编曲,作曲到录音制作。郑泽相也热心于音乐教育的传播,尤其是爵士音乐在中文音乐圈子的传播,时常在不同的大学,学院,音乐学校给予讲座,教导等等。
Julian Chan 曾庆松
萨克斯管乐手,作曲家,编曲家,教育家。曾先生是马来西亚土生土长新生代萨克斯管演奏第一把手。早在2005年以主要萨克斯风手就参与了李宗盛“理性与感性“世界巡演,曾先生毅然在2009年放弃许多世界巡演的邀约到美国纽约Queens College 于世界名家Antonio Hart 学习爵士萨克斯风。学成归来的Julian Chan 仍然活跃于流行音乐圈子,为李宗盛,林忆莲,张信哲等等顶尖艺人伴奏。另外Julian Chan也是马来西亚爵士乐圈子里主要推手之一,热心于爵士音乐的普及和推动。
AJ Popshuvit
司手AJ 是乐团里面的摇滚巨星,隶属马来西亚最成功的摇滚乐队Popshuvit ,AJ的骨子里面却还是流着爵士音乐的血。平时他也是一位唱片监制,录音师,混音师。
KJ Wong
鼓手KJ 是乐团里面最年轻的成员,刚刚毕业于美国加州Musician’s Institute,刚回国就被WVC TRiO +1 诚意邀约成为这个乐团的常任鼓手,而且已经在马来西亚的音乐圈子里面炙手可热。
WVC proudly presents WAITING FOR THAT DAY A Live Concert
Musicians:WVC TRiO + 1 -
Guest Artists:友弟Yudi (June 24)、周博华Chew Paul Wah (June 25)、Winnie Ho 何芸妮 (June 24& 25)、Janet Lee (June 24& 25)
Collaborative Artists:Arioso Sinfonia, Calligrapher Wang Ya, Videographer Tan Choo Harn, Photographer Wong Horng Yih, Dancers led by Sae Min
Date & Time:24th & 25th June 2015 @ 8:30pm
Venue:Pentas 1, Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre, Sentul Park, Jalan Strachan, Off Jalan Ipoh, KL
Email:[email protected]
制作團 Production Team:
导演/制作人/Director / Producer /
音乐总监/編曲Music Director / Arranger:鄭澤相 Tay Cher Siang
制作監督Project Manager:张幼菁Melissa Teoh
音响设计師Sound Designer:John Siew
燈光設計師Lighting Designer:林安瑞Lim Ang Swee
WVC will be holding a two concert nights entitled,, “Waiting For That Day” at the Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (KLPAC) on 24th and 25th of June 2015.
Presenting two nights of musical programme consisting of original compositions together with different guest performers and accompanied by an expanded ensemble including a 10 piecestring orchestra, Arioso Sinfonia, giving the concert repertoire a new sonic palate; guest performers include notable Malaysian singers, Janet Lee, Winnie Ho, Paulwah Chew and Yudi Yap; and Calligraphy artist Wang Ya.
WVC is a music ensemble based in Malaysia currently comprising of Tay Cher Siang (Piano),
Julian Chan (Saxophone), AJ PopShuvIt (Bass), KJ Wong (Drums). Having its roots on the
shores of the New World, where it was originally formed in West Virginia, it has since undergone several iterations to become what it is today and migrated back to Malaysia. The ensemble’s music tries to examine and express the human condition in modern life, using the art form known as "jazz" as its stylistic musical vehicle. While most of their work is hear live, taking the stages of notable Jazz halls of Malaysia, the ensemble does have four albums under their wing with their latest album “Waiting for That Day” launched in 2014. The ensemble has also toured extensively across Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and China. With their recent tour of China, travelling extensively over 18 cities and performed 23 concerts within a month, using different means of transportation, playing in many different types of venues.
Jazz is an expression of innovation and adaptivity with its roots in the need for improvising on the go, and we push listeners to expand their minds and look past the limitation of scope and visualization. We believe in the miracle of education and exposure, it is from this notion that we have conceptualize this programme for like-minded individuals or organizations to sponsor a group of students who would benefit from attending this event but may not have the means to afford it.
We look forward to your kind support for this meaningful concert night, by way of seeking your ticket sponsorship in the following manner. Your generosity and support is greatly appreciated!
There is a certain allure in attending a live concert. As much as it is implied in the term we use to describe it - a live concert is alive. It is the sharing of that space and moment where one is connected with the music making process, as it comes into existence, through the vibrations of a billion particles filling the void between the audience and the musicians. And in those brief few hours, one immerses oneself into the euphoria of orchestrated sounds we call music as the musicians weave their expressions that we relate to on a level that transcends words. It is also a unique experience that once passed cannot be repeated again; though recordings lets you re-live these moments but it is already dead in recording fixed and having lost its fluidity as replaying it only gives you the same notes and rhythm recorded.
Jazz is a genre that often many cannot come to agree what it is, but it is easier to get a consensus of what it isn’t. Drawing it’s roots from the meeting of cultures when the African slaves are brought by western colonials to the shores of the New World, it is genre that embodies adaptation and adoption, of improvisation, giving it a wider gamut of musicality. It is also a genre of defiance and rebellion, of breaking away from set rules. It is this fluidity that makes it difficult to define yet easy to recognize. It is also this nature of Jazz that makes it a music that has to be heard live.
WVC is a music ensemble based in Malaysia currently comprising of Tay Cher Siang (Piano), Julian Chan (Saxophone), AJ PopShuvIt (Bass), KJ Wong (Drums). Having its roots on the shores of the New World, where it was originally formed in West Virginia, it has since undergone several iterations to become what it is today and migrated back to Malaysia. The ensemble’s music tries to examine and express the human condition in modern life, using the art form known as "jazz" as its stylistic musical vehicle. While most of their work are hear live, taking the stages of notable Jazz halls of Malaysia, the ensemble does have four albums under their wing with their latest album “Waiting For That Day” launched in 2014. The ensemble have also toured extensively across Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and China. With their recent tour of China, travelling extensively over 18 cities and performed 23 concerts within a month, using different means of transportation, playing in many different types of venues.
WVC will be holding a Live Concert taking the title of their latest album, “Waiting For That Day”, at the Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (KLPAC) on the 24th and 25th of June presenting two slightly different repertoire each night with different guest performers and accompanied by an expanded ensemble than their usual line-up. Guest performers include Malaysia notable singers, Janet Lee, Winnie Ho, Paulwah Chew and Yudi Yap. An 11 piece string orchestra Arioso Sinfonia will join the band, gives WVC repertoire new sonic pallatte.
Musical Background
WVC draws musical inspiration from the many facets of modern life influenced by Malaysian and other Asian cultures, and cuts across many musical genres defying any kind of accurate classification. Original compositions such as “The Art of the Wind Up Alarm Clock”, “Found and Lost”, “Standing in the Rain on Euclid Avenue”, “Lost in Different Time Zone”, “Waiting for That Day” are attempts to examine and express the human condition of modern life, using the art form known as "jazz" as its stylistic musical vehicle. In addition, the band also experiments with transforming unlikely pop tunes, Chinese classics, and much mainstream music into new jazz re-arrangements, in the spirit of the great jazz musicians of old.
WVC has undergone three stages of metamorphosis since its inception in 2006. It started as a University ensemble, playing Jazz standards and covers, with Tay Cher Siang as the bandleader with Jon Cavendish on Bass and Adam Osmianski on bass. It was given an unimaginative band name: West Virginia Connection (WVC).
After moving back to Malaysia, Tay Cher Siang brought the band back with him, and toured Malaysia, Singapore and China, with the original band members and recorded the band’s first self titled album “WVC TRiO” in 2008. Julian Chan joined the band in 2008, as the resident saxophonist, and added much sonic color to the music. This marked the milestone where WVC started moving towards writing and performing original compositions written by the band members. Vincent Ong later joined the band replacing Jon Cavendish as the resident bassist and contributed a few original tunes.
The band toured extensively in Malaysia, Singapore and China as an annual affair. These tours, since 2006, were self funded, self organized and covered thousands of kilometers, playing in many cities and towns in Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, Melaka, Muar, Batu Pahat, Kluang, Johor Bahru, Ipoh, Penang, Sungai Petani, Alor Star, Kota Kinabalu, Sandakan, Kuching, and in China: Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Wuxi, Nanjing, Chenzhou, Changsha, Chengdu, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Fuoshan, Shenzhen, Shunde, Macau, as well as other countries includes Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand etc.
These tours were usually packed into a short period of time, covering as much ground as possible, playing in Jazz clubs, conservatories, pubs, concert halls, auditoriums, school halls, hotel ballrooms and even kindergartens. On these tours, the band traveled in buses, vans, cars, trains, aeroplanes in the true tradition of the travelling minstrels of Jazz history.
This particular line-up of musicians produced two albums:
“Eleven” (2009) and “In the Dark I See Her” (2011)
In 2012, Aj PopShuvit, the bassist for the most successful rock band in Malaysian music history “PopShuvit”, joined WVC as the resident bassist. With AJ’s addition, it brought a much broader sonic pallete of musical influences into WVC. In the same year Kj Wong joined WVC as the resident drummer and as such, the current incarnation of WVC is now complete.
The current WVC ensemble has been invited to perform at some major Jazz Festivals across Asia, notably the Taichung Jazz Festival, the Tianjin Jazz Festival, the Macau Jazz Festival and the KK Jazz Festival.
With this current ensemble, WVC released its fourth album in 2014 entitled, “Waiting For That Day”. And in conjunction with the release of the fourth album, WVC took to the road for their traditional annual tour of China bringing the music from the album to over 18 cities and performing 23 concerts across China spanning the continent from Shanghai to Chengdu, from Beijing to Shenzhen.
WVC has also had the privilege in collaborating with various notable Malaysian and international Singers and Performers either in live performances, concerts or album production. These notably includes Janet Lee (Restless Heart 2015), Lydia Chew (Compositions 2015, Jz8 2009), Chew Paulwah (Time 2010), Winnie Ho (Decadent Sound of Teresa Teng 2012, Bloom 2013), Yang Wei Han (Yao Min 2013), Yudi (Kopi Susu 2014), Zyan (Brasileiro 2011), Various Singers (Listen to the Wind: Pay Fong Centenary Album 2013), Jasmine Chen, Valtinho Anastacio, Michael Simon and more.
WVC currently remains one of the most active units in the Malaysian performance circuit and is one of the most sought after jazz bands in Malaysia for Hi-Fi recordings and live performances.
Tay Cher Siang
Bandleader, Composer, Arranger, Jazz Pianist, Jazz Educator
Tay Cher Siang started his piano lessons learning classical music. He took up an interest in Jazz during his teenage years and began to pursue his musical journey as a jazz pianist. He received his Masters in Jazz Pedagogy under the tutorage of Dr. Miltenberger and Professor Scea. Tay then immersed himself in the education of Jazz and taught at UCSI University (UCSI), University of Malaya (UM), The Yamaha Music Academy and Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). He is also teaching at his private studio, and giving master classes, jazz clinics throughout Malaysia. As a performer, Tay has toured extensively with his own band WVC TRiO +1 and also with a multi nationals band Unit Asia, to China, Taiwan, Macau, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Brunei, Indonesia, Japan, Turkey, Egypt, India, Italy, Germany, Spain, and USA. Tay has also been involved in a total of seven albums released throughout the years, with original compositions and arrangements. Tay is currently active in producing recordings with various artists and singers in the region. Tay has been music director for various concerts and musical acts. Tay’s music career also involves scoring movie soundtrack, Musical productions and Theater works.
Julian Chan
Saxophonist, Composer, Arranger, Educator
Julian Chan is a freelance saxophonist/flutist based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He recently graduated with a Masters degree in Jazz Performance from Queens College in NYC, where he studied with jazz greats Antonio Hart, Michael Mossman, (the late) Prof. Emeritus Howard Brofsky and David Berkman. In addition, he has also studied/mentored, as well as performed with many Malaysian music legends – Greg Lyons, Thomas Theseira, David Gomes, Michael Veerapen, Jose Thomas, and many others. Julian is an established performer and sessionist in Malaysia, and began his professional performance career from 2001 until present. Like most musicians in the Malaysian music scene, Julian started his career performing in small gigs, such as hotel lounge jazz bands and private events (such as weddings, corporate events, etc). It wasn’t long before he eventually increased his exposure as a saxophonist and a sessionist, and this gave him the opportunity to perform and play in more notable shows and with more notably higher profile musicians and artistes, as well as recording for various sessions, ranging from advertisement jingles to albums. He has performed in Malaysia and other parts of the Asian region, from Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Taiwan, China and recently Japan. He has played with various jazz luminaries and established himself well in the Malaysian music scene, as a sideman and as a bandleader. In the span of 11 years, Julian has performed in all the jazz venues in Malaysia, from the well-established No Black Tie, Alexis Bistro, Mezze Lounge, Nero Fico, to the now-defunct The Top Room, Groove Junction, and many others. He has also managed to perform out in other countries around the Asian region, going out on tour with Chinese pop artistes as well as jazz tours.
Julian Chan have been playing the saxophone for 22 years beginning at a young age of 14. He later went on to business school pursuing his undergraduate studies. After graduation, he went into music business, taking lessons with Greg Lyons for several years. In that time, he has worked with various musicians/groups/musical situations, all of them pioneers in their field, performing for 7 years; performing with his own bands and other bands in all the notable jazz clubs and venues, festivals. During this time he also played as a sessionist in musicals, theatre, albums and commercial recordings. Julian Chan has also been part of Asian tours with the famed singer-songwriter Jonathan Lee from Taiwan. Julian then moved on to New York to pursue his studies . Got a Masters Degree in Jazz Performance in 2010. Moved back to KL to develop performing and teaching career in 2011. Currently lecturing in UCSI/UM/UPM and also private teaching studio, workshops, masterclasses, etc.
“WVC TRiO” (2008)
“Eleven” (2009)
“In the Dark I See Her” (2011)
“Waiting For That Day” (2014)
In Collaboration with others:
“JZ8” (2009) - Lydia Chew
“Time” (2010) - Chew PaulWah
“Brasileiro (芭莎公主)” (2011) - Z Yan
“Jazzy Sound of Teresa Teng” (2012) - Winnie Ho
“Yao Min” (2013) - Yang WeiHan
“Kopi Susu” (2014) - Yudi Yap
“Restless Heart” (2015) - Janet Lee
“Compositions” (2015) - Lydia Chew
Joined May 2015
Drawing inspiration from the many facets of modern life, influenced by Malaysian and other Asian cultures, the music of WVC TRiO +1 cuts across many musical genres and defies any kind of classification. Tunes such as “The Art of the Wind Up Alarm Clock”, “Found and Lost”, “Standing in the Rain on Euclid Avenue” tries to examine and express the human condition in modern life, using the artform known as "jazz" as its stylistic musical vehicle.
Formed in 2006 as a trio, WVC TRiO +1 completed its quartet line up with the addition of saxophonist Julian Chan. The group has toured extensively in the region, heralding back the spirit being "on the road" of touring jazz bands of old. Through these regional tours, WVC TRiO +1 has brought its music to many corners of Malaysia, Singapore, China, Taiwan, Thailand, and Macao. In one of these tours, the quartet managed to travel extensively over 18 cities within a month, using different means of transportation, playing in many different types of venues.
WVC TRiO +1 has three instrumental albums - “WVC TRiO” (2008), “ELEVEN” (2009), “In the Dark, I See Her” (2011) - that explored different musical genres (while maintaining the spirit of jazz as its core) and combinations in its line-up. Most of the tunes recorded are original tunes written by the band members. In addition, the band also experiments with transforming unlikely pop tunes, Chinese classics, and many mainstream music into new jazz re-arrangements, in the spirit of the great jazz musicians of old.
WVC TRiO +1 has been invited to appear in many festivals in the region such as Taichung Jazz Festival, Kota Kinabalu Jazz Festival, Phuket International Jazz Festival, Tianjin International Jazz Fest, Macao International Jazz Week and many others. In addition, the band has played extensively in the Malaysian local jazz clubs, from No Black Tie, Nero Fico, (the now defunct) Venue, and many others.
The present incarnation of the WVC Trio + 1 consists of bandleader/composer/arranger/music director/pianist Tay Cher Siang, bassist AJ, drummer KJ Wong and saxophonist Julian Chan. The band remains one of the most active units in the Malaysian performance circuit and is one of the most sought after bands in Malaysia for Hi-Fi recordings and live performances.