Shah Alam
Joined July 2019
我目前是一名补习老师,也在大学担任兼职讲师教导非华裔学生中文。求学时期曾担任指导教授的研究助理。如何让没有华文基础的学生认识中文以及华人文化,是我的工作挑战之一。同时教育工作也让我理解到,教育可以改变很多事情。 Currently, I am a tuition teacher. I was a research assistant for my thesis supervisor when I... See More
Please click above for English version
Rethink: 重新思考
Reimagine: 重新想象
Remake: 重新制作
回收 --> 设计--> 重塑
我们的团队叫Hara Makers。马来文的Hara, 与Huru配成Huru-Hara,意思是“一团糟”。而我们的环境,的确被塑料“垃圾”弄得一团糟。另外,各式各样的塑料材质混合在一起,也变得一团糟。我们要从一团糟中制造可能性,重塑新生。
1. 全球有90%的塑料没有被回收(那它们到哪里去了呢?进入海洋,甚至成了鱼的食物。)
2. 根据WWF(世界自然基金会)的研究显示,我们估计每个星期吃入一张信用卡大小的塑料物。(什么,吃塑料?!我们最大的危机,是微型塑料microplastic。)
"人们平均每个星期吃进5公克的塑料,也是相等于一张信用卡的重量。我们的研究显示人们可能每年吃入10万微型塑料 (microplastics)。这相等于一个月21公克,一年就250公克(微型塑料)。”
3. 各式各样的塑料如何分类?(分类了塑料还要分类塑料材质,好烦啊!不同的塑料,不能够混在一起进行回收溶解的,会产生“一粒老鼠屎坏了一锅粥”的问题。)
1. 马来西亚只有小部分的塑料被回收(2013年是2%,现在呢?情况并没有很乐观。)(资料:The Star, 2019 Jan 27th)
2. 全球20个处理塑料“一团糟”的国家中,马来西亚排名第8。(应该不是很值得骄傲……)(资料:
因此,我们要搭上The New Plastic Economy 列车,将塑料“垃圾”变得有价值,进一步提倡减塑!当“垃圾”变得有价值,人们才会对“垃圾"产生兴趣。
全球已经有不少人关注塑料重生。我们受到The Precious Plastic (的启发,希望在马来西亚 也推行类似的塑料回收再生工作室,结合马来西亚人一起为减少塑料污染出一份力。感谢Precious Plastic无私的分享他们的设计,已经成功让很多地方重塑减塑。
1. 独一无二的杯垫
2. 不会和别人家“撞钟”的时尚挂钟
3. 绿化环境的花盆
4. 个性十足的灯罩
5. 装水果的碗
6. 设计感十足的手提包
You may check this out:
Hara Makers 团队目前有3人,分别是丽昀、美玲和Zaharah.
丽昀目前是一名补习老师,也是兼职讲师,教导非华裔学生华语。求学时期曾担任指导教授的研究助理。另外,她也在Kedai Jalanan 当义工,为城市贫穷户和街友提供二手衣物。因此,在看到收集中心堆积如山的衣物,深切地感受到目前消费者消费过度的状况所带来的问题。因为速食文化的影响下,消费者喜欢方便。而塑料材料的泛滥,也是速食文化下,大众要方便要快所致。因此通过教育工作中让她发现,教育可以改变很多事,那么她也希望通过教育改变大众对塑料“垃圾”的认知。
美玲则长期关注城市贫穷户和街友,她是Kedai Jalanan的协调员,负责Kedai Jalanan的义工以及收集品的协调工作。她也将到美国参与今年美国国务院赞助的社区解决方案专业交流项目Community Solution Program (IREX),以期得以学习他国的社区工作经验,为马来西亚的社区出一份力。
目前,Hara Makers 还在努力筹备中。塑料回收再生机器将以Precious Plastic的蓝图为主,然而制作机器(一共四部机器)所需费用约马币2万(RM20,000)。因此,除了众筹8千以达到进入圆梦大赛的门槛,Hara Makers也希望筹资制作机器,作为塑料环保教育的开始,开启减塑路程。
众筹RM8000 = 入门票
RM20,000 = 制作机器
RM5000 =设计、制作、销售产品(估计费用)
请支持Hara Makers 为马来西亚的减塑出力!您的支持,Hara Makers 致以万二分的谢意。
For plastics, we want to:
Therefore, “3R” will now stand for:
Plastic can be "reborn" by prolonging its useable lifetime. The collection of plastics to be reused in new and different forms will reduce the number of landfills as well as save ocean life. We are going to "reimagine" plastic.
Our team’s name is Hara Makers. In Malay, the word “Hara” is always combined with “Huru” to become “huru-hara”, which means “disorderly” or "topsy-turvy". And our environment has become topsy-turvy as a result of plastic “waste”. Besides, different types of plastic mixed physically together, creates disorderliness. We want to look into possibilities of and find solutions for this mess of used plastic and give it a new life.
How does plastic create disorderliness to the ecosystem?
1. 90% of plastics in the world failed to get recycled. (where have all the plastic gone to?)
2. According to WWF’s research, we are eating approximately the size of a credit card of plastic every week. (What, we are eating plastic?!)
"On average people could be ingesting around 5 grams of plastic every week, which is the equivalent weight of a credit card. Our study suggests people could be consuming on average over 100,000 microplastics every year. That’s approximately 21 grams a month, just over 250 grams a year."
Please read:
3. How do you separate the different types of plastic? (after separating plastic from other materials, we still need to separate the types of plastic? Problematic, isn't it?)
Please watch:
What's the situation in our own country-- Malaysia?
1. Only a small amount of plastic waste is recycled. (2% in 2013, now? Source: The Star, 2019 Jan 27)
2. Malaysia is ranked 8th among the 20 countries that mismanaged plastic waste. (It's not something to be proud of… Source:
We want to use The New Plastic Economy concept, to convert plastic waste into something valuable, and to reduce plastic used.
Please watch:
There are a lot of people starting to pay attention to plastic recycling in the world today. We are inspired by The Precious Plastic website content(, and hope to establish a similar plastic recycle and upcycle workstation to encourage Malaysians to unite in solving the plastic pollution menace.
What are the possibilities of upcycled products?
1. Unique coasters
2. One and the only wall clocks
3. Vases for plant
4. Stylish lamp shades
5. Fruit bowls
6. Designer bags
You may check this out:
For now, Hara Makers has three teammates: Bee Ling, Zaharah and Lee Yoon.
Currently, Lee Yoon is a tuition teacher, and a part-time lecturer teaching non-Chinese students Mandarin language. She was a research assistant for her thesis supervisor when she was in university. Her involvement in education has made her aware of the importance of education, and how it changes a lot of things.
Bee Ling on the other hand, pays close attention to the urban poor and homeless groups, one of her projects Kedai Jalanan, of which she is the coordinator, the result of which she has been selected this year to attend the Community Solutions Program, which is funded by the State Department of the United States.
Zaharah currently is a Ph.D. candidate of the Department of History, University of Malaya, and her research thesis is about the history of deforestation in Peninsular Malaya. She is also concerned about the environmental issues in Malaysia. Besides, she is a novelist who has published 6 Malay language novels.
Hara Makers is still in the process of setting up the establishment. And the plastic recycling machines will be based on the blueprint of The Precious Plastic open sources. However, Hara Makers needs RM20,000 to make and modify the design of the machines. Therefore, besides getting RM8000 to qualify to join the second round of Dream Factory contest, Hara Makers also hopes to get enough funding to fabricate the machines for Hara Makers to start the journey on plastic recycling education.
Financing Strategy
Crowdfunding RM8000 = to get to the second round of the contest
RM20,000= to produce the machines
RM5000= design, manufacture, marketing and sale (estimated cost)
Please do support Hara Makers to free Malaysia of plastic waste! Thank you very much for your support.
1. Initially, the process of collecting used plastic may involve the collection of other rubbish due to present inappropriate ways of handling plastic.
2. The cost of cleaning recycled plastic may increase due to low awareness of the public on plastic recycling.
3. The quality and design of plastic upcycled products may not meet the high expectations of customers.
4. Contaminated plastic is unable to be recycled.
Shah Alam
Joined July 2019
我目前是一名补习老师,也在大学担任兼职讲师教导非华裔学生中文。求学时期曾担任指导教授的研究助理。如何让没有华文基础的学生认识中文以及华人文化,是我的工作挑战之一。同时教育工作也让我理解到,教育可以改变很多事情。 Currently, I am a tuition teacher. I was a research assistant for my thesis supervisor when I was in university. I am a part-time lecturer teaching Mandarin language to non-Chinese students. From my work in education, I realize the importance of education, and a lot of things can be changed via education.
For contributions of RM100 and above:
A digital booklet by Hara Makers. We would like to reduce the carbon footprint by sending the e-copy of the booklet to you.
For contributions of RM1000 and above:
A clock made of recycled plastic. Every clock is handmade and unique in the design pattern (it depends on the plastic used). The estimated cost will be around RM50.
For contributions of RM4000:
Custom-made plastic recycle and upcycle workshop sessions. We want to share our knowledge and passion for plastic recycling and upcycling with you.
Shah Alam
Joined July 2019
我目前是一名补习老师,也在大学担任兼职讲师教导非华裔学生中文。求学时期曾担任指导教授的研究助理。如何让没有华文基础的学生认识中文以及华人文化,是我的工作挑战之一。同时教育工作也让我理解到,教育可以改变很多事情。 Currently, I am a tuition teacher. I was a research assistant for my thesis supervisor when I... See More
Please click above for English version
Rethink: 重新思考
Reimagine: 重新想象
Remake: 重新制作
回收 --> 设计--> 重塑
我们的团队叫Hara Makers。马来文的Hara, 与Huru配成Huru-Hara,意思是“一团糟”。而我们的环境,的确被塑料“垃圾”弄得一团糟。另外,各式各样的塑料材质混合在一起,也变得一团糟。我们要从一团糟中制造可能性,重塑新生。
1. 全球有90%的塑料没有被回收(那它们到哪里去了呢?进入海洋,甚至成了鱼的食物。)
2. 根据WWF(世界自然基金会)的研究显示,我们估计每个星期吃入一张信用卡大小的塑料物。(什么,吃塑料?!我们最大的危机,是微型塑料microplastic。)
"人们平均每个星期吃进5公克的塑料,也是相等于一张信用卡的重量。我们的研究显示人们可能每年吃入10万微型塑料 (microplastics)。这相等于一个月21公克,一年就250公克(微型塑料)。”
3. 各式各样的塑料如何分类?(分类了塑料还要分类塑料材质,好烦啊!不同的塑料,不能够混在一起进行回收溶解的,会产生“一粒老鼠屎坏了一锅粥”的问题。)
1. 马来西亚只有小部分的塑料被回收(2013年是2%,现在呢?情况并没有很乐观。)(资料:The Star, 2019 Jan 27th)
2. 全球20个处理塑料“一团糟”的国家中,马来西亚排名第8。(应该不是很值得骄傲……)(资料:
因此,我们要搭上The New Plastic Economy 列车,将塑料“垃圾”变得有价值,进一步提倡减塑!当“垃圾”变得有价值,人们才会对“垃圾"产生兴趣。
全球已经有不少人关注塑料重生。我们受到The Precious Plastic (的启发,希望在马来西亚 也推行类似的塑料回收再生工作室,结合马来西亚人一起为减少塑料污染出一份力。感谢Precious Plastic无私的分享他们的设计,已经成功让很多地方重塑减塑。
1. 独一无二的杯垫
2. 不会和别人家“撞钟”的时尚挂钟
3. 绿化环境的花盆
4. 个性十足的灯罩
5. 装水果的碗
6. 设计感十足的手提包
You may check this out:
Hara Makers 团队目前有3人,分别是丽昀、美玲和Zaharah.
丽昀目前是一名补习老师,也是兼职讲师,教导非华裔学生华语。求学时期曾担任指导教授的研究助理。另外,她也在Kedai Jalanan 当义工,为城市贫穷户和街友提供二手衣物。因此,在看到收集中心堆积如山的衣物,深切地感受到目前消费者消费过度的状况所带来的问题。因为速食文化的影响下,消费者喜欢方便。而塑料材料的泛滥,也是速食文化下,大众要方便要快所致。因此通过教育工作中让她发现,教育可以改变很多事,那么她也希望通过教育改变大众对塑料“垃圾”的认知。
美玲则长期关注城市贫穷户和街友,她是Kedai Jalanan的协调员,负责Kedai Jalanan的义工以及收集品的协调工作。她也将到美国参与今年美国国务院赞助的社区解决方案专业交流项目Community Solution Program (IREX),以期得以学习他国的社区工作经验,为马来西亚的社区出一份力。
目前,Hara Makers 还在努力筹备中。塑料回收再生机器将以Precious Plastic的蓝图为主,然而制作机器(一共四部机器)所需费用约马币2万(RM20,000)。因此,除了众筹8千以达到进入圆梦大赛的门槛,Hara Makers也希望筹资制作机器,作为塑料环保教育的开始,开启减塑路程。
众筹RM8000 = 入门票
RM20,000 = 制作机器
RM5000 =设计、制作、销售产品(估计费用)
请支持Hara Makers 为马来西亚的减塑出力!您的支持,Hara Makers 致以万二分的谢意。
For plastics, we want to:
Therefore, “3R” will now stand for:
Plastic can be "reborn" by prolonging its useable lifetime. The collection of plastics to be reused in new and different forms will reduce the number of landfills as well as save ocean life. We are going to "reimagine" plastic.
Our team’s name is Hara Makers. In Malay, the word “Hara” is always combined with “Huru” to become “huru-hara”, which means “disorderly” or "topsy-turvy". And our environment has become topsy-turvy as a result of plastic “waste”. Besides, different types of plastic mixed physically together, creates disorderliness. We want to look into possibilities of and find solutions for this mess of used plastic and give it a new life.
How does plastic create disorderliness to the ecosystem?
1. 90% of plastics in the world failed to get recycled. (where have all the plastic gone to?)
2. According to WWF’s research, we are eating approximately the size of a credit card of plastic every week. (What, we are eating plastic?!)
"On average people could be ingesting around 5 grams of plastic every week, which is the equivalent weight of a credit card. Our study suggests people could be consuming on average over 100,000 microplastics every year. That’s approximately 21 grams a month, just over 250 grams a year."
Please read:
3. How do you separate the different types of plastic? (after separating plastic from other materials, we still need to separate the types of plastic? Problematic, isn't it?)
Please watch:
What's the situation in our own country-- Malaysia?
1. Only a small amount of plastic waste is recycled. (2% in 2013, now? Source: The Star, 2019 Jan 27)
2. Malaysia is ranked 8th among the 20 countries that mismanaged plastic waste. (It's not something to be proud of… Source:
We want to use The New Plastic Economy concept, to convert plastic waste into something valuable, and to reduce plastic used.
Please watch:
There are a lot of people starting to pay attention to plastic recycling in the world today. We are inspired by The Precious Plastic website content(, and hope to establish a similar plastic recycle and upcycle workstation to encourage Malaysians to unite in solving the plastic pollution menace.
What are the possibilities of upcycled products?
1. Unique coasters
2. One and the only wall clocks
3. Vases for plant
4. Stylish lamp shades
5. Fruit bowls
6. Designer bags
You may check this out:
For now, Hara Makers has three teammates: Bee Ling, Zaharah and Lee Yoon.
Currently, Lee Yoon is a tuition teacher, and a part-time lecturer teaching non-Chinese students Mandarin language. She was a research assistant for her thesis supervisor when she was in university. Her involvement in education has made her aware of the importance of education, and how it changes a lot of things.
Bee Ling on the other hand, pays close attention to the urban poor and homeless groups, one of her projects Kedai Jalanan, of which she is the coordinator, the result of which she has been selected this year to attend the Community Solutions Program, which is funded by the State Department of the United States.
Zaharah currently is a Ph.D. candidate of the Department of History, University of Malaya, and her research thesis is about the history of deforestation in Peninsular Malaya. She is also concerned about the environmental issues in Malaysia. Besides, she is a novelist who has published 6 Malay language novels.
Hara Makers is still in the process of setting up the establishment. And the plastic recycling machines will be based on the blueprint of The Precious Plastic open sources. However, Hara Makers needs RM20,000 to make and modify the design of the machines. Therefore, besides getting RM8000 to qualify to join the second round of Dream Factory contest, Hara Makers also hopes to get enough funding to fabricate the machines for Hara Makers to start the journey on plastic recycling education.
Financing Strategy
Crowdfunding RM8000 = to get to the second round of the contest
RM20,000= to produce the machines
RM5000= design, manufacture, marketing and sale (estimated cost)
Please do support Hara Makers to free Malaysia of plastic waste! Thank you very much for your support.
1. Initially, the process of collecting used plastic may involve the collection of other rubbish due to present inappropriate ways of handling plastic.
2. The cost of cleaning recycled plastic may increase due to low awareness of the public on plastic recycling.
3. The quality and design of plastic upcycled products may not meet the high expectations of customers.
4. Contaminated plastic is unable to be recycled.
Shah Alam
Joined July 2019
我目前是一名补习老师,也在大学担任兼职讲师教导非华裔学生中文。求学时期曾担任指导教授的研究助理。如何让没有华文基础的学生认识中文以及华人文化,是我的工作挑战之一。同时教育工作也让我理解到,教育可以改变很多事情。 Currently, I am a tuition teacher. I was a research assistant for my thesis supervisor when I was in university. I am a part-time lecturer teaching Mandarin language to non-Chinese students. From my work in education, I realize the importance of education, and a lot of things can be changed via education.
For contributions of RM100 and above:
A digital booklet by Hara Makers. We would like to reduce the carbon footprint by sending the e-copy of the booklet to you.
For contributions of RM1000 and above:
A clock made of recycled plastic. Every clock is handmade and unique in the design pattern (it depends on the plastic used). The estimated cost will be around RM50.
For contributions of RM4000:
Custom-made plastic recycle and upcycle workshop sessions. We want to share our knowledge and passion for plastic recycling and upcycling with you.