Selangor, Malaysia
Joined October 2017
Graduated with Bachelor Degree of (HONS) Counselling & Psychology at UTAR year 2010, developed strong interest on environmental issues when study university. She was self-organized and camp leader for... See More
在城市急促的生活节奏中,人们往往都因为太忙而无法慢慢,好好地享用三餐。在这样的一个生活方式下,一种饮食方式及其行业快速崛起 - “快餐”,慢慢地成为了多数人们三餐的主要选择之一。
但其实我们大家心里都明白,快餐容易购买和真的很美味,但同时也为我们个人健康和环境带来某程度上的负面影响。以个人健康来说,就有不少的研究发现高频度食用快餐(一个星期内食用一至两次)和我们身体的负面影响是有正关系的, 原因离不开快餐多以肉类为主,烹调方式也以油炸居多,高热量之余,饮料的含糖量也不少等。
Leonardo DiCaprio discovers how our diet is effecting climate change | Before The Flood
蔬食主义不是素食主义 (Vegetarian),并非绝对摒弃所有的动物肉(肉、家禽、鱼和海鲜)和动物产品(蛋,奶)。对于我们而言,大约采取7分蔬菜、2分肉类/动物产品、1分主食,才是最主要的目的,与“多吃菜,少吃肉”的概念比较接近。
以生意模式来说,蔬食主义是相对符合大众市场的选择,不会限制或道德绑架顾客去吃什么,什么不能吃,毕竟与自己喜爱的食物刻意地分开也是一件不快乐(不受欢迎)的事情。在Presley & Co, 我们希望扮演好这样的一个角色,就是“来试试吃看蔬菜吧,其实它们也可以很好吃哦!”
她把这个想法,链接“易食”和“实惠”这两大快餐特点,形成了Presley & Co的招牌菜 - Pasta Shaker!
呃,觉得好像只是前菜(appetizer)? 不用紧,再配合会让您饱足感十足,秘方调味的意大利螺旋面为主食。一定能让您的一餐不知觉地吃多了蔬菜,而且真的好好吃!!
带着忐忑的心情,佩琪于2015年7月,在哥哥的帮忙下开始在Jalan jalil, Bukit Jalil的繁忙人行道摆摊,营业时间是从早晨6点半至9点。那个地段和时间点都充满了塞在车龙里的上班人士。他们都有类似的共同点“还没吃早餐”。
她从营业第一天可怜兮兮的只卖两杯,到慢慢的顾客慢慢接受她的想法,曾经试过短短两个小时内最高纪录售出100杯Pasta Shaker。这小小的鼓励些许认证她的想法朝着正面的方向。如此6个月后,由于网上订单越来越多,她转型成全职宅配Online Delivery,兼顾订单之余也能安排时间照顾当时才2岁和5岁的孩子。
在这段期间,Pasta Shaker慢慢拥有了它的顾客群,因为其方便性,也接获了不少活动的订单。
2016年9月,佩琪在一位好朋友的协助下,着手以《蓝海策略》为基础的计划书(注1), 希望能把Pasta Shaker提升到另一个层次。
因为专注于宅配还欠缺了快餐最重要的元素,就是让顾客容易寻找 “Accessible"。她也需要系统化的方法地把产量提升,并且保持食物的品质。因为曾经为了赶订单而导致大病一场的她了解,唯有系统化才能给予顾客最稳定的品质,让每位顾客的每次光临都能享有一致的服务。
2017年3月,她凭着计划书和热情,找到了一起拼搏的同伴。通过一系列地整合,寄托着全新希望的品牌名字出现了 — “Presley & Co” 。期望能把这绿色快餐的旅途走的更远,服务更多的顾客。
在Presley & Co, 我们旨在为大众打造一个“便捷性”和”均衡饮食” 的大环境 (Convenient Balanced Diet Lifestyle)。为了达成此愿景,我们会在城中上班人士聚集的区域开设分行和给予顾客多种以蔬菜为主的grab&go菜肴,以真正实现让顾客“轻松地开始均衡饮食的每一天”!
Presley & Co 生意模式
在Presley & Co, 我们把用餐环境和用餐空间去除,专注予提升“便捷性”,多样化选择的购物体验,和贵宾体验。
1)"如您看见般的新鲜既好吃" 的购物体验 (Shopping experience with value "As fresh as you can see")
2) 优化销售地点选择 (Balanced Diet Lifestyle generate)
3)让Presley & Co顾客拥有贵宾体验 (VIP Experience)
我们希望通过Mystartr的众筹平台宣传Presley & Co的核心价值及筹集运营资金。而进入创业比赛的21天课程也是难以获得的机会向大马企业执行者学习。
Presley & Co 的团队希望通过这次的众筹,筹集目标RM50,000。资金分配如下:
1)RM8,000 创业大赛报名费
2)成立Presley & Co 储存库和转运站
Presley & Co 第一个销售点定于KL City Walk, Jalan P.Ramlee ,这里是吉隆玻城里最繁荣的地区之一。是一个链接各大办公大楼的街道。
KLCW被各大办公大楼围绕,周围繁忙的工作人士可以步行前来Presley & Co 购买,实现了我们给予顾客的核心价值之一:方便地开始饮食均衡地一天!。除此之外,Presley & Co已经联络了城中最热门的食物外卖平台手机应用软体如SmartBites, HonestBee 等等,物尽其用地使用该地点的优势,为顾客们提供方便快捷的配送服务。
根据工程进度的推断,Presley & Co 将在2017年11月开始营业。
郑佩琪 - 团队里的唯一一位女生(安蒂?),她负责团队愿景的目标,和执行策略。挂在嘴边时常的是:
黄尉尊 - 团队里的协调者,他负责系统化日常运作,和科技相关技术支援。挂在嘴边时常的是:
叶宝毅 - 团队里的监视者,他负责监督公司财务状况和administrative。挂在嘴边时常的是:
Charlie Chan - 团队里的大哥,他负责执行公司宣传方案。挂在嘴边的是:
请点击Support Now支持我们!
有了您的支持,我们可以一起让 eat green 变得 so easy!
注1:如果您想翻阅我们完整的《蓝海策略》研究,请email予[email protected],注明 《索取蓝海策略和Presley&Co商业计划书-Audience from》。
City lifestyle is fast paced and full of stress. Thanks to our busy schedule, free time for having a proper, regular meal can sometime be a luxury. Thus, many of us choose fast food as one of our option to replace the nutritious, healthy regular meal we’re supposed to be having. This is one of the reason why fast food companies are among the fastest growing , largest player in the food industry.
Well, it’s simple. Fast food is indeed...
As we might already know, while fast food is affordable and delicious, consuming fast food over a long period of time poses significant risk to our health and also negatively impact our environment. Studies show that the more frequent you have fast food, the less healthier your body become. It’s mostly due to the fact that majority of the fast food are meat based and prepared by deep fried, and served with high sugar drinks.
Beside that, our environment suffer from the fast food industries as well. To achieve ever increasing yield count, modern farming raises single animal in a crowded monoculture, and then feeding it things that it wasn’t designed to eat. This will increases the risk of spreading disease as well as more sanitation problem in the farm. On top of that, studies show ever increasing herd count, especially cattle, is among the major factor of global warming.
The truth is, all of the above will be affecting not just ourselves, but our children, and also the sustainability of future living.
Can we do some changes within our reach? Can we possibly make fast food healthier and more environmental friendly?
Our founder, Pei Qi, has decided to combine “veggie centric” and “fast food” to create a solution.
By combining the two, we wish to provide consumers a series of veggie centric based fast food, allowing the typical, busy city dweller to have a better choice when it come to eating.
Pei Qi believes, making delicious dishes using mostly vegetable, and utilizing the core value, convenience, which fast food industry provides, we could provide food that is fast, easy and convenient to consume, as well as affordable. Isn’t this a much better choice?
Veggie centric is not vegetarian or vegan. Veggie centric doesn’t means giving up meat or dairy products. For us, we think veggie centric means taking 70-80% non-meat (such as vegetable, grains, fruits etc), and 20% of meat based food. Basically, more veggie, less meat.
In term of business, veggie centric is a more suitable model compared to vegetarian or vegan. Afterall, not all of us enjoy living a life of monk without eating our favorite steak or fried chicken again ever. People don’t enjoy getting separated from their favorite food. We believe veggie centric is something that is more acceptable for the public.
At Presley & Co, we wish to send out a message; “Try eat these vegetables, they could be very delicious as well!”
It may be difficult to ask people to become vegetarian, but how about making people eat less meat?
Suppose we combine one man’s portion of beef steak with fruits and vegetables, and make ten man’s portion of meal out of them; then for a hundred man we’ll only consume ten portion of beef steak.
If consumer buy our ideas and product, what we just did is we provide a hundred meal of more nutritional balanced meal for our customer by consuming only ten portion of beef steak, lowering meat demand and thus, reducing carbon foot print caused by farming.
We believe this is a way for us to contribute to the society, while we earn our living.
Well, can this really work?
Pei Qi started to think about her childhood. When she was younger, she wouldn’t eat any of the vegetable her mom cooked. But there’s something that she loved to eat:-
Salad! A bowl of green vegetable, combining with fresh fruits and salad sauce is something that she just couldn't have enough of. (Remember the all-you-can-eat salad bar at our local pizza outlet?)
Adding pasta into her favorite salad, and combining both “easy to consume” & “affordable”, thus born Presley & Co’s best seller - Pasta Shaker.
Pour the salad into the cup, adding some salad sauce, and shake it with style, a delicious salad is now ready to serve.
What? Feels like its just appertizer? No worries, adding some lovely prepared pasta (Fusilli) into the salad, you’ll definitely find this meal fulfilling. At the same time you’ve just taken higher portion of vegetable compared to most other fast food. How nice!
July 2015, with her brother's help, Pei Qi anxiously set up a roadside stall at the sidewalk at Jalan Jalil, Bukit Jalil. Her business hour starts from 6:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. At the time, the place was crowded with people driving and rushing to their work. One thing common among these people? Most of them haven’t had their breakfast.
On her first day, Pei Qi only sold 2 cups of Pasta Shaker. It was a very depressing experience and her neighbor even felt pity for her. Fortunately, Pei Qi didn’t give up and continue to set up her stall every morning. As time goes on, things got better. Her persistency starts to brings her more customers and even loyal fans. Her business started growing and at one point, she even managed to sell 100 cups of Pasta Shaker in only 2 hours! This might not seem alot for other people, but it was a personal achievement for her. It gives her feeling of assurance that she is on the right track.
6 months later, due to increasing amount of online delivery order, she changed her business model from sidewalk stall to full time online delivery business. This gives her more time to spend with her children as well.
The business continued to grow and Pasta Shaker begun to have its regular customer base, mainly due to it’s conveniency. Pei Qi were receive more and more orders as the days go by.
September 2016,with the help of a great friend, Pei Qi wrote a business plan derived from “Blue Ocean Strategy”(citation 1), hoping to grow the business towards a new level of success.
After a full review, Pei Qi realizes that she over-focused on delivery and neglected the “accesible” aspect of the business - being available easy for her customer to search for her, to be aware of her, are equally important if not more than properly preparing and selling the food itself. She needed to figure out how to reach more customer if business were to continue to grow.
At the same time, Pei Qi came to understand that she needed to systematically increases her production capacity while maintaining the quality of the food if the business were to reach the next level. There was once she fall sick thanks to a huge delivery order in which she had to rush and fulfil. She fully realize that one person could only do so much.
She felt that only when she systematize the entire process of production and delivery, will she be able to provide the most consistent food, and the best services for her customers, allowing all customer to enjoy the good quality product of her and the consistently good services she is currently providing.
Market research using “blue ocean strategy” would also allow her to open her mind, coming to understand more about how public view and thinking about the fast food industry, identify the underly risk of the industry and increasing her chances of successfully growing the business.
March 2017, with burning passion and a well written business plan, she found new partners who’s willing to work together and help growing the business. After a series of consolidation, “Presley & Co” were born. Together, we felt this goes a long way in helping green fast food to grow. Hopefully this would allow us to continue to serves more customer in a better, more sustainable way.
In Presley & Co, We aim to provide the public a choice of “Convenient & Balanced Diet”. To achieve this, we will begin to set up various outlet and stall around the urban city area, providing a series of veggie-centric food using grab and go concept, helping people to achieve their balanced diet more easily
In Presley & Co, we’re currently focusing our effort to increase our product’s “convenience”, giving our customer a variety of choice to increase shopping experience, and also VIP experience for those who buy from us.
As a startup, our funds are limited, and thus we choose to focus to invest in the above-mentioned over others such as acquiring a large area of space for our customer to dine in.
This is because Pei Qi realizes that people who demand convenience generally would care less or simply got no time to sit down and eat inside the restaurant. Investment on these sectors (dining spaces, renovation) is thus, less important for the company, when compared to other such as delivery and improving product convenience. This is especially true for a startup such as Presley & Co. as we do not have a large amount of extra cash. We focus our investment on areas where our customers need the most.
1) Shopping experience with value "As fresh as you can see"
2) Optimize kiosk space usage & location (To effectively promote balanced diet lifestyle)
3) Presley & Co VIP Experience
Through Mystartr, we wish to publicize the core value of Presley & Co., and secure additional funding to enhance our financial position. Should we be successful, we will also be given the chances to attend the 21 days training program provided by Dream Factory to learn from some of the most successful entrepreneurs from Malaysia.
**Where will your money be going?**
Presley & Co target to achieve RM 50,000.00 for the following:
1) RM8,000 registration fee for entrepreneurship competition hosted by Dream Factory.
2) Set up storage and logistic hub for Presley & Co.
3) Internet marketing expenses
4) Daily operating expenses
Our first outlet is currently located at KL City Walk, Jalan P.Ramlee, at the heart of the Kuala Lumpur, where many office tower and shopping plaza are located.
The Blue color line is the whole KL City Walk walkway. Our kiosk located nearby Bank Islam.
Some real life photos...
“Presley & Co” food kiosk
Presley & Co.’s first outlet begun to operate since 6th November 2017.
Chang Pei Qi - The lady in the team. She is the soul of the company, providing vision and guide us through on-the-ground operation, making this company great.
Her favorite quote: “Come... Refer to my strategy and all shall be well..”
Wong Wei Joon - The communicator in the team, he smooth out the friction among the team, and most importantly helping Pei Qi to utilize latest technology to systematize the company, providing crucial tech support:
His favorite quote: “Alright, lets think from the other perspective..”
Yap Bowie - The supervisor in the team, he act as an reminder for the team to ensure nothing get left out/undone during to our busy schedule. He is also in charge of the financial and administrative department of the company.
His favorite quote: “If we do this we’ll be busting our budget for sure.”
Charlie Chan - The big brother in the team, he’s in charge of marketing operation and supporting the wellness of our employee.
His favorite quote: “We’re not going to do this... if we do this.. gao-dim lah!”
Let’s “Eat green & go” with “Presley & Co”!
Please click HERE to visit our crowdfunding project page and support us!
With your support, eat green would become so easy!
Citation 1: If you’re interested in the full version of our “Blue Ocean Strategy” research, please do not hesitate to email [email protected] and ask from her directly!
Selangor, Malaysia
Joined October 2017
Graduated with Bachelor Degree of (HONS) Counselling & Psychology at UTAR year 2010, developed strong interest on environmental issues when study university. She was self-organized and camp leader for a very first LOHAS (Lifestyle of Health & Sustainability) 3 days 2 nights Camp in Malaysia for secondary students when year 2011 (中文译《让我们的爱和地球一起转动》中学生乐活营). After volunteering & working for several years, finally she acknowledge only entrepreneurship can make significant changes to the peoples, like Tesla & Chipotle Mexican Grill. That's why she want to create her own business and learn to be a successful entrepreneur.
Selangor, Malaysia
Joined October 2017
Graduated with Bachelor Degree of (HONS) Counselling & Psychology at UTAR year 2010, developed strong interest on environmental issues when study university. She was self-organized and camp leader for... See More
在城市急促的生活节奏中,人们往往都因为太忙而无法慢慢,好好地享用三餐。在这样的一个生活方式下,一种饮食方式及其行业快速崛起 - “快餐”,慢慢地成为了多数人们三餐的主要选择之一。
但其实我们大家心里都明白,快餐容易购买和真的很美味,但同时也为我们个人健康和环境带来某程度上的负面影响。以个人健康来说,就有不少的研究发现高频度食用快餐(一个星期内食用一至两次)和我们身体的负面影响是有正关系的, 原因离不开快餐多以肉类为主,烹调方式也以油炸居多,高热量之余,饮料的含糖量也不少等。
Leonardo DiCaprio discovers how our diet is effecting climate change | Before The Flood
蔬食主义不是素食主义 (Vegetarian),并非绝对摒弃所有的动物肉(肉、家禽、鱼和海鲜)和动物产品(蛋,奶)。对于我们而言,大约采取7分蔬菜、2分肉类/动物产品、1分主食,才是最主要的目的,与“多吃菜,少吃肉”的概念比较接近。
以生意模式来说,蔬食主义是相对符合大众市场的选择,不会限制或道德绑架顾客去吃什么,什么不能吃,毕竟与自己喜爱的食物刻意地分开也是一件不快乐(不受欢迎)的事情。在Presley & Co, 我们希望扮演好这样的一个角色,就是“来试试吃看蔬菜吧,其实它们也可以很好吃哦!”
她把这个想法,链接“易食”和“实惠”这两大快餐特点,形成了Presley & Co的招牌菜 - Pasta Shaker!
呃,觉得好像只是前菜(appetizer)? 不用紧,再配合会让您饱足感十足,秘方调味的意大利螺旋面为主食。一定能让您的一餐不知觉地吃多了蔬菜,而且真的好好吃!!
带着忐忑的心情,佩琪于2015年7月,在哥哥的帮忙下开始在Jalan jalil, Bukit Jalil的繁忙人行道摆摊,营业时间是从早晨6点半至9点。那个地段和时间点都充满了塞在车龙里的上班人士。他们都有类似的共同点“还没吃早餐”。
她从营业第一天可怜兮兮的只卖两杯,到慢慢的顾客慢慢接受她的想法,曾经试过短短两个小时内最高纪录售出100杯Pasta Shaker。这小小的鼓励些许认证她的想法朝着正面的方向。如此6个月后,由于网上订单越来越多,她转型成全职宅配Online Delivery,兼顾订单之余也能安排时间照顾当时才2岁和5岁的孩子。
在这段期间,Pasta Shaker慢慢拥有了它的顾客群,因为其方便性,也接获了不少活动的订单。
2016年9月,佩琪在一位好朋友的协助下,着手以《蓝海策略》为基础的计划书(注1), 希望能把Pasta Shaker提升到另一个层次。
因为专注于宅配还欠缺了快餐最重要的元素,就是让顾客容易寻找 “Accessible"。她也需要系统化的方法地把产量提升,并且保持食物的品质。因为曾经为了赶订单而导致大病一场的她了解,唯有系统化才能给予顾客最稳定的品质,让每位顾客的每次光临都能享有一致的服务。
2017年3月,她凭着计划书和热情,找到了一起拼搏的同伴。通过一系列地整合,寄托着全新希望的品牌名字出现了 — “Presley & Co” 。期望能把这绿色快餐的旅途走的更远,服务更多的顾客。
在Presley & Co, 我们旨在为大众打造一个“便捷性”和”均衡饮食” 的大环境 (Convenient Balanced Diet Lifestyle)。为了达成此愿景,我们会在城中上班人士聚集的区域开设分行和给予顾客多种以蔬菜为主的grab&go菜肴,以真正实现让顾客“轻松地开始均衡饮食的每一天”!
Presley & Co 生意模式
在Presley & Co, 我们把用餐环境和用餐空间去除,专注予提升“便捷性”,多样化选择的购物体验,和贵宾体验。
1)"如您看见般的新鲜既好吃" 的购物体验 (Shopping experience with value "As fresh as you can see")
2) 优化销售地点选择 (Balanced Diet Lifestyle generate)
3)让Presley & Co顾客拥有贵宾体验 (VIP Experience)
我们希望通过Mystartr的众筹平台宣传Presley & Co的核心价值及筹集运营资金。而进入创业比赛的21天课程也是难以获得的机会向大马企业执行者学习。
Presley & Co 的团队希望通过这次的众筹,筹集目标RM50,000。资金分配如下:
1)RM8,000 创业大赛报名费
2)成立Presley & Co 储存库和转运站
Presley & Co 第一个销售点定于KL City Walk, Jalan P.Ramlee ,这里是吉隆玻城里最繁荣的地区之一。是一个链接各大办公大楼的街道。
KLCW被各大办公大楼围绕,周围繁忙的工作人士可以步行前来Presley & Co 购买,实现了我们给予顾客的核心价值之一:方便地开始饮食均衡地一天!。除此之外,Presley & Co已经联络了城中最热门的食物外卖平台手机应用软体如SmartBites, HonestBee 等等,物尽其用地使用该地点的优势,为顾客们提供方便快捷的配送服务。
根据工程进度的推断,Presley & Co 将在2017年11月开始营业。
郑佩琪 - 团队里的唯一一位女生(安蒂?),她负责团队愿景的目标,和执行策略。挂在嘴边时常的是:
黄尉尊 - 团队里的协调者,他负责系统化日常运作,和科技相关技术支援。挂在嘴边时常的是:
叶宝毅 - 团队里的监视者,他负责监督公司财务状况和administrative。挂在嘴边时常的是:
Charlie Chan - 团队里的大哥,他负责执行公司宣传方案。挂在嘴边的是:
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注1:如果您想翻阅我们完整的《蓝海策略》研究,请email予[email protected],注明 《索取蓝海策略和Presley&Co商业计划书-Audience from》。
City lifestyle is fast paced and full of stress. Thanks to our busy schedule, free time for having a proper, regular meal can sometime be a luxury. Thus, many of us choose fast food as one of our option to replace the nutritious, healthy regular meal we’re supposed to be having. This is one of the reason why fast food companies are among the fastest growing , largest player in the food industry.
Well, it’s simple. Fast food is indeed...
As we might already know, while fast food is affordable and delicious, consuming fast food over a long period of time poses significant risk to our health and also negatively impact our environment. Studies show that the more frequent you have fast food, the less healthier your body become. It’s mostly due to the fact that majority of the fast food are meat based and prepared by deep fried, and served with high sugar drinks.
Beside that, our environment suffer from the fast food industries as well. To achieve ever increasing yield count, modern farming raises single animal in a crowded monoculture, and then feeding it things that it wasn’t designed to eat. This will increases the risk of spreading disease as well as more sanitation problem in the farm. On top of that, studies show ever increasing herd count, especially cattle, is among the major factor of global warming.
The truth is, all of the above will be affecting not just ourselves, but our children, and also the sustainability of future living.
Can we do some changes within our reach? Can we possibly make fast food healthier and more environmental friendly?
Our founder, Pei Qi, has decided to combine “veggie centric” and “fast food” to create a solution.
By combining the two, we wish to provide consumers a series of veggie centric based fast food, allowing the typical, busy city dweller to have a better choice when it come to eating.
Pei Qi believes, making delicious dishes using mostly vegetable, and utilizing the core value, convenience, which fast food industry provides, we could provide food that is fast, easy and convenient to consume, as well as affordable. Isn’t this a much better choice?
Veggie centric is not vegetarian or vegan. Veggie centric doesn’t means giving up meat or dairy products. For us, we think veggie centric means taking 70-80% non-meat (such as vegetable, grains, fruits etc), and 20% of meat based food. Basically, more veggie, less meat.
In term of business, veggie centric is a more suitable model compared to vegetarian or vegan. Afterall, not all of us enjoy living a life of monk without eating our favorite steak or fried chicken again ever. People don’t enjoy getting separated from their favorite food. We believe veggie centric is something that is more acceptable for the public.
At Presley & Co, we wish to send out a message; “Try eat these vegetables, they could be very delicious as well!”
It may be difficult to ask people to become vegetarian, but how about making people eat less meat?
Suppose we combine one man’s portion of beef steak with fruits and vegetables, and make ten man’s portion of meal out of them; then for a hundred man we’ll only consume ten portion of beef steak.
If consumer buy our ideas and product, what we just did is we provide a hundred meal of more nutritional balanced meal for our customer by consuming only ten portion of beef steak, lowering meat demand and thus, reducing carbon foot print caused by farming.
We believe this is a way for us to contribute to the society, while we earn our living.
Well, can this really work?
Pei Qi started to think about her childhood. When she was younger, she wouldn’t eat any of the vegetable her mom cooked. But there’s something that she loved to eat:-
Salad! A bowl of green vegetable, combining with fresh fruits and salad sauce is something that she just couldn't have enough of. (Remember the all-you-can-eat salad bar at our local pizza outlet?)
Adding pasta into her favorite salad, and combining both “easy to consume” & “affordable”, thus born Presley & Co’s best seller - Pasta Shaker.
Pour the salad into the cup, adding some salad sauce, and shake it with style, a delicious salad is now ready to serve.
What? Feels like its just appertizer? No worries, adding some lovely prepared pasta (Fusilli) into the salad, you’ll definitely find this meal fulfilling. At the same time you’ve just taken higher portion of vegetable compared to most other fast food. How nice!
July 2015, with her brother's help, Pei Qi anxiously set up a roadside stall at the sidewalk at Jalan Jalil, Bukit Jalil. Her business hour starts from 6:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. At the time, the place was crowded with people driving and rushing to their work. One thing common among these people? Most of them haven’t had their breakfast.
On her first day, Pei Qi only sold 2 cups of Pasta Shaker. It was a very depressing experience and her neighbor even felt pity for her. Fortunately, Pei Qi didn’t give up and continue to set up her stall every morning. As time goes on, things got better. Her persistency starts to brings her more customers and even loyal fans. Her business started growing and at one point, she even managed to sell 100 cups of Pasta Shaker in only 2 hours! This might not seem alot for other people, but it was a personal achievement for her. It gives her feeling of assurance that she is on the right track.
6 months later, due to increasing amount of online delivery order, she changed her business model from sidewalk stall to full time online delivery business. This gives her more time to spend with her children as well.
The business continued to grow and Pasta Shaker begun to have its regular customer base, mainly due to it’s conveniency. Pei Qi were receive more and more orders as the days go by.
September 2016,with the help of a great friend, Pei Qi wrote a business plan derived from “Blue Ocean Strategy”(citation 1), hoping to grow the business towards a new level of success.
After a full review, Pei Qi realizes that she over-focused on delivery and neglected the “accesible” aspect of the business - being available easy for her customer to search for her, to be aware of her, are equally important if not more than properly preparing and selling the food itself. She needed to figure out how to reach more customer if business were to continue to grow.
At the same time, Pei Qi came to understand that she needed to systematically increases her production capacity while maintaining the quality of the food if the business were to reach the next level. There was once she fall sick thanks to a huge delivery order in which she had to rush and fulfil. She fully realize that one person could only do so much.
She felt that only when she systematize the entire process of production and delivery, will she be able to provide the most consistent food, and the best services for her customers, allowing all customer to enjoy the good quality product of her and the consistently good services she is currently providing.
Market research using “blue ocean strategy” would also allow her to open her mind, coming to understand more about how public view and thinking about the fast food industry, identify the underly risk of the industry and increasing her chances of successfully growing the business.
March 2017, with burning passion and a well written business plan, she found new partners who’s willing to work together and help growing the business. After a series of consolidation, “Presley & Co” were born. Together, we felt this goes a long way in helping green fast food to grow. Hopefully this would allow us to continue to serves more customer in a better, more sustainable way.
In Presley & Co, We aim to provide the public a choice of “Convenient & Balanced Diet”. To achieve this, we will begin to set up various outlet and stall around the urban city area, providing a series of veggie-centric food using grab and go concept, helping people to achieve their balanced diet more easily
In Presley & Co, we’re currently focusing our effort to increase our product’s “convenience”, giving our customer a variety of choice to increase shopping experience, and also VIP experience for those who buy from us.
As a startup, our funds are limited, and thus we choose to focus to invest in the above-mentioned over others such as acquiring a large area of space for our customer to dine in.
This is because Pei Qi realizes that people who demand convenience generally would care less or simply got no time to sit down and eat inside the restaurant. Investment on these sectors (dining spaces, renovation) is thus, less important for the company, when compared to other such as delivery and improving product convenience. This is especially true for a startup such as Presley & Co. as we do not have a large amount of extra cash. We focus our investment on areas where our customers need the most.
1) Shopping experience with value "As fresh as you can see"
2) Optimize kiosk space usage & location (To effectively promote balanced diet lifestyle)
3) Presley & Co VIP Experience
Through Mystartr, we wish to publicize the core value of Presley & Co., and secure additional funding to enhance our financial position. Should we be successful, we will also be given the chances to attend the 21 days training program provided by Dream Factory to learn from some of the most successful entrepreneurs from Malaysia.
**Where will your money be going?**
Presley & Co target to achieve RM 50,000.00 for the following:
1) RM8,000 registration fee for entrepreneurship competition hosted by Dream Factory.
2) Set up storage and logistic hub for Presley & Co.
3) Internet marketing expenses
4) Daily operating expenses
Our first outlet is currently located at KL City Walk, Jalan P.Ramlee, at the heart of the Kuala Lumpur, where many office tower and shopping plaza are located.
The Blue color line is the whole KL City Walk walkway. Our kiosk located nearby Bank Islam.
Some real life photos...
“Presley & Co” food kiosk
Presley & Co.’s first outlet begun to operate since 6th November 2017.
Chang Pei Qi - The lady in the team. She is the soul of the company, providing vision and guide us through on-the-ground operation, making this company great.
Her favorite quote: “Come... Refer to my strategy and all shall be well..”
Wong Wei Joon - The communicator in the team, he smooth out the friction among the team, and most importantly helping Pei Qi to utilize latest technology to systematize the company, providing crucial tech support:
His favorite quote: “Alright, lets think from the other perspective..”
Yap Bowie - The supervisor in the team, he act as an reminder for the team to ensure nothing get left out/undone during to our busy schedule. He is also in charge of the financial and administrative department of the company.
His favorite quote: “If we do this we’ll be busting our budget for sure.”
Charlie Chan - The big brother in the team, he’s in charge of marketing operation and supporting the wellness of our employee.
His favorite quote: “We’re not going to do this... if we do this.. gao-dim lah!”
Let’s “Eat green & go” with “Presley & Co”!
Please click HERE to visit our crowdfunding project page and support us!
With your support, eat green would become so easy!
Citation 1: If you’re interested in the full version of our “Blue Ocean Strategy” research, please do not hesitate to email [email protected] and ask from her directly!
Selangor, Malaysia
Joined October 2017
Graduated with Bachelor Degree of (HONS) Counselling & Psychology at UTAR year 2010, developed strong interest on environmental issues when study university. She was self-organized and camp leader for a very first LOHAS (Lifestyle of Health & Sustainability) 3 days 2 nights Camp in Malaysia for secondary students when year 2011 (中文译《让我们的爱和地球一起转动》中学生乐活营). After volunteering & working for several years, finally she acknowledge only entrepreneurship can make significant changes to the peoples, like Tesla & Chipotle Mexican Grill. That's why she want to create her own business and learn to be a successful entrepreneur.