1 X 奖励【28 Nite Point(NP)】作为答谢您的心意,您可以用NP在NiteMart的手机APP进行消费或是换成特别折扣卷。
1 X 【LED发光发箍】(款式随机) ,只限118位优先成为夜市的【天使消费者】,才能获得!
1 X【面子书感谢您】+ 1 X 电邮【电子感谢卡】以感谢您对我们的支持。 用公开的方式,谢谢你! 我们将在我们的社交平台上发布个人感谢信。同时我们会持续更新您我们项目发展的资讯。
You will become an 【Angle Consumer】 in the night market, thank you for your generous support. You will receive:
1 X 28 Nite Point - Discount and vouchers on the app
1 X LED hairbands (First 118 donators)
1 X Appreciation post on Facebook + 1 X Email a thank you E-Card! A thank you, but PUBLIC! We'll post a personal thank you to you on one of our social platforms along with consistent updates of the project
1 X 奖励【88 Nite Point(NP)】作为答谢您的心意,您可以用NP在NiteMart的手机APP进行消费或是换成特别折扣卷。
1 X 【LED移动充无线电灯泡神器夜市地摊灯】 ,只限168位优先成为夜市的【天使商家】,才能获得!
1 X【面子书感谢您】+ 1 X 电邮【电子感谢卡】以感谢您对我们的支持。 用公开的方式,谢谢你! 我们将在我们的社交平台上发布个人感谢信。同时我们会持续更新您我们项目发展的资讯。
You will become an 【Angle Seller】 in the night market, thank you for your generous support. You will receive:
1 X 88 Nite Point - Discount and vouchers on the app
1 X Wireless USB charging light (First 168 donators)
1 X Appreciation post on Facebook + 1 X Email a thank you E-Card ! A thank you, but PUBLIC! We'll post a personal thank you to you on one of our social platforms along with consistent updates of the project
1 X 奖励【128 Nite Point(NP)】作为答谢您的心意,您可以用NP在NiteMart的手机APP进行消费或是换成特别折扣卷。
1 X 【送5个LED七彩蘑菇小夜灯】 ,只限188位优先成为夜市的【天使投资者】,才能获得!
1 X【面子书感谢您】+ 1 X 电邮【电子感谢卡】以感谢您对我们的支持。用公开的方式,谢谢你! 我们将在我们的社交平台上发布个人感谢信。 同时我们会持续更新您我们项目发展的资讯。
You will become an 【Angle Investor】 in the night market, thank you for your generous support. You will receive:
1 X 128 Nite Point - Discount and vouchers on the app
1 X 【5 x LED rainbow mushroom lights】 (First 188 donators)
1 X Appreciation post on Facebook + 1 X Email a thank you E-Card ! A thank you, but PUBLIC! We'll post a personal thank you to you on one of our social platforms along with consistent updates of the project
1 X 奖励【368 Nite Point(NP)】作为答谢您的心意,您可以用NP在NiteMart的手机APP进行消费或是换成特别折扣卷。
1 X 【LED创意卧室台灯】
1 X 您的公司名号LOGO将出现在,我们的官方网站成为白金赞助商长达12个月
1 X【面子书感谢您】+ 1 X 电邮【电子感谢卡】以感谢您对我们的支持。 用公开的方式,谢谢你! 我们将在我们的社交平台上发布个人感谢信。同时我们会持续更新您我们项目发展的资讯。
You will become an【Angle Business Partners】 in the night market, thank you for your generous support. You will receive:
1 X 368 Nite Point - Discount and vouchers on the app
1 x LED Creative Bedroom Light
1 x Your company will be listed as Premium Sponsor on our website for 12 months
1 X Appreciation post on Facebook + 1 X Email a thank you E-Card ! A thank you, but PUBLIC! We'll post a personal thank you to you on one of our social platforms along with consistent updates of the project
1 X 奖励【10 Nite Point(NP)】作为答谢您的心意,您可以用NP在NiteMart的手机APP进行消费或是换成特别折扣卷。
1 X【面子书感谢您】+ 1 X 电邮【电子感谢卡】以感谢您对我们的支持。用公开的方式,谢谢你! 我们将在我们的社交平台上发布个人感谢信。 同时我们会持续更新您我们项目发展的资讯。
You will become an【Angle Philanthropist】 in the night market, thank you for your generous support. You will receive:
1 X 10 Nite Point - Discount and vouchers on the app
1 X Appreciation post on Facebook + 1 X Email a thank you E-Card ! A thank you, but PUBLIC! We'll post a personal thank you to you on one of our social platforms. along with consistent updates of the project
1 X 奖励【28 Nite Point(NP)】作为答谢您的心意,您可以用NP在NiteMart的手机APP进行消费或是换成特别折扣卷。
1 X 【LED发光发箍】(款式随机) ,只限118位优先成为夜市的【天使消费者】,才能获得!
1 X【面子书感谢您】+ 1 X 电邮【电子感谢卡】以感谢您对我们的支持。 用公开的方式,谢谢你! 我们将在我们的社交平台上发布个人感谢信。同时我们会持续更新您我们项目发展的资讯。
You will become an 【Angle Consumer】 in the night market, thank you for your generous support. You will receive:
1 X 28 Nite Point - Discount and vouchers on the app
1 X LED hairbands (First 118 donators)
1 X Appreciation post on Facebook + 1 X Email a thank you E-Card! A thank you, but PUBLIC! We'll post a personal thank you to you on one of our social platforms along with consistent updates of the project
1 X 奖励【88 Nite Point(NP)】作为答谢您的心意,您可以用NP在NiteMart的手机APP进行消费或是换成特别折扣卷。
1 X 【LED移动充无线电灯泡神器夜市地摊灯】 ,只限168位优先成为夜市的【天使商家】,才能获得!
1 X【面子书感谢您】+ 1 X 电邮【电子感谢卡】以感谢您对我们的支持。 用公开的方式,谢谢你! 我们将在我们的社交平台上发布个人感谢信。同时我们会持续更新您我们项目发展的资讯。
You will become an 【Angle Seller】 in the night market, thank you for your generous support. You will receive:
1 X 88 Nite Point - Discount and vouchers on the app
1 X Wireless USB charging light (First 168 donators)
1 X Appreciation post on Facebook + 1 X Email a thank you E-Card ! A thank you, but PUBLIC! We'll post a personal thank you to you on one of our social platforms along with consistent updates of the project
1 X 奖励【128 Nite Point(NP)】作为答谢您的心意,您可以用NP在NiteMart的手机APP进行消费或是换成特别折扣卷。
1 X 【送5个LED七彩蘑菇小夜灯】 ,只限188位优先成为夜市的【天使投资者】,才能获得!
1 X【面子书感谢您】+ 1 X 电邮【电子感谢卡】以感谢您对我们的支持。用公开的方式,谢谢你! 我们将在我们的社交平台上发布个人感谢信。 同时我们会持续更新您我们项目发展的资讯。
You will become an 【Angle Investor】 in the night market, thank you for your generous support. You will receive:
1 X 128 Nite Point - Discount and vouchers on the app
1 X 【5 x LED rainbow mushroom lights】 (First 188 donators)
1 X Appreciation post on Facebook + 1 X Email a thank you E-Card ! A thank you, but PUBLIC! We'll post a personal thank you to you on one of our social platforms along with consistent updates of the project
1 X 奖励【368 Nite Point(NP)】作为答谢您的心意,您可以用NP在NiteMart的手机APP进行消费或是换成特别折扣卷。
1 X 【LED创意卧室台灯】
1 X 您的公司名号LOGO将出现在,我们的官方网站成为白金赞助商长达12个月
1 X【面子书感谢您】+ 1 X 电邮【电子感谢卡】以感谢您对我们的支持。 用公开的方式,谢谢你! 我们将在我们的社交平台上发布个人感谢信。同时我们会持续更新您我们项目发展的资讯。
You will become an【Angle Business Partners】 in the night market, thank you for your generous support. You will receive:
1 X 368 Nite Point - Discount and vouchers on the app
1 x LED Creative Bedroom Light
1 x Your company will be listed as Premium Sponsor on our website for 12 months
1 X Appreciation post on Facebook + 1 X Email a thank you E-Card ! A thank you, but PUBLIC! We'll post a personal thank you to you on one of our social platforms along with consistent updates of the project
1 X 奖励【10 Nite Point(NP)】作为答谢您的心意,您可以用NP在NiteMart的手机APP进行消费或是换成特别折扣卷。
1 X【面子书感谢您】+ 1 X 电邮【电子感谢卡】以感谢您对我们的支持。用公开的方式,谢谢你! 我们将在我们的社交平台上发布个人感谢信。 同时我们会持续更新您我们项目发展的资讯。
You will become an【Angle Philanthropist】 in the night market, thank you for your generous support. You will receive:
1 X 10 Nite Point - Discount and vouchers on the app
1 X Appreciation post on Facebook + 1 X Email a thank you E-Card ! A thank you, but PUBLIC! We'll post a personal thank you to you on one of our social platforms. along with consistent updates of the project