by Sharon Thean 邓亦洳
This project has no updates.
Supported of RM8,000
0 days to go
Project funding closed
Funding Period
01/08/2018 - 20/09/2018
Support RM30 or more
0 Claimed
Reward 1:
Free Face Painting Workshop For 2 Pax
One Adult & One Kid or Two Adults (Worth Rm270/=)
Materials included: Face Painting Colors, Paint Brush & Sponges. All tools are not allow to be brought home except students artworks
Duration: 2~3 hours
Location: Kuala Lumpur
Additional person allow at Rm30/pax
All rewards/gift are not exchangeable in the form of cash nor transferable.
All supporters will be invited in Telegram/What's app/WeChat group C (Telegram would be the main interacting tools)
1) 免费上价值Rm270/=的面部彩绘工作坊 (两个成人, 或一个成人+一个小孩). 若多一个参加者, 另付Rm30/人. 所有的回馈赠品不得兑换现金或转让. 我们将会在比赛结束后把支持的朋友邀进群, 通知工作坊的详情.
材料将包括在内: 彩绘, 画笔, 海绵, 等. 所有提供的工具为学院所有. 工作坊学员可以把作品带回家.
课程时间: 2~3 个小时
地点: 吉隆坡 (时间: 最迟所有活动2019六月前)
Valid until: 2018-09-20
Estimated Delivery: Jun 2019
No Shipping Involved
Support RM100 or more
2 Claimed
Reward 2:
Free Rattan Weaving Workshop for one person (Worth Rm270/=)
Materials included: Rattan & wicker, plier cutters, poker. All tools are not allow to be brought home except students artworks.
Duration: 3~4 hours
Location: Kuala Lumpur
Additional person allow at Rm100/pax
What's More? Lucky Draw for each contribution.
Dermatoglyphics Test & Analysis Report Lucky Draw Worth Rm1997/=.
One out of every 20 draws will be the lucky winner.
All rewards/gift are not exchangeable in the form of cash nor transferable.
All supporters will be invited in Telegram/What's app/WeChat group B (Telegram would be the main interacting tools)
1) 免费参加学习价值Rm270/人的编藤工作坊. 一个人的名额. 若多一个人参加则另付Rm100/人.
材料将包括在内: 藤心, 藤条, 镊子, 钳子剪刀, 等. 所有提供的工具为学院所有. 工作坊学员可以把作品带回家.
课程时间: 3~4 个小时
地点: 吉隆坡(时间: 最迟所有活动2019六月前)
2) 除此以外, 每二十个人里就会抽出一份价值Rm1997/= 的个人完整皮纹测试报告. 所有的回馈赠品不得兑换现金或转让. 我们将会在比赛结束后把支持的朋友邀进群, 通知工作坊的详情及幸运抽奖结果.
Valid until: 2018-09-20
Estimated Delivery: Jun 2019
No Shipping Involved
Support RM1,997 or more
1 Claimed
Reward 3:
Dermatoglyphics Test & Analysis Report for one person worth Rm1997/=
Plus one additional :
Free Dermatoglyphics Test & Analysis Report for one person worth Rm1997/=. 100% Absolutely FOC.
1997 reward points that can be used to participate for on coming workshops, included the face painting & rattan basket weaving workshops stated above.
10 points = Rm10/=.
Reward points may be use as an exchange to use facilities of future borderless school (Terms and conditions apply)
What’s more?
If your dermatoglyphics report TRC score is higher than 196points, Your analysis will be free of charge, you will be pay back Rm990/= (entitle for one person/result score)
All rewards/gift are not exchangeable in the form of cash nor transferable.
All supporters will be invited in Telegram/What's app/WeChat group A (Telegram would be the main interacting tools)
1) 在得到一个价值Rm1997/=的个人皮纹测试及完整的90多面报告外.
将另外获得第二个同等价值的个人皮纹测试及完整的90多面报告, 完全免费.
2) 用同等价值的点数即1997分, 以学员的身份免费参加我们未来的工作坊. 比如脸部彩绘工作坊, 编藤篮工作坊, 木工, 陶艺, 等等. 直至点数享用完. 我们将会陆续设计开办许多有趣特别的工作坊.
或者您也可以把部分点数保留, 以经营者的身份作为我们的合作伙伴使用场所, 享用设备及客源等多种优惠.
3) 另外, 如果你的个人皮纹测试报告超过我的 (>TRC 196), 我将会退回一半的钱给你.
所有的回馈赠品不得兑换现金或转让. 我们将会在比赛结束后把支持的朋友邀进群, 通知工作坊的详情及幸运抽奖结果.
Valid until: 2018-09-20
Estimated Delivery: Jun 2019
No Shipping Involved
This project has no updates.
Support RM30 or more
0 Claimed
Reward 1:
Free Face Painting Workshop For 2 Pax
One Adult & One Kid or Two Adults (Worth Rm270/=)
Materials included: Face Painting Colors, Paint Brush & Sponges. All tools are not allow to be brought home except students artworks
Duration: 2~3 hours
Location: Kuala Lumpur
Additional person allow at Rm30/pax
All rewards/gift are not exchangeable in the form of cash nor transferable.
All supporters will be invited in Telegram/What's app/WeChat group C (Telegram would be the main interacting tools)
1) 免费上价值Rm270/=的面部彩绘工作坊 (两个成人, 或一个成人+一个小孩). 若多一个参加者, 另付Rm30/人. 所有的回馈赠品不得兑换现金或转让. 我们将会在比赛结束后把支持的朋友邀进群, 通知工作坊的详情.
材料将包括在内: 彩绘, 画笔, 海绵, 等. 所有提供的工具为学院所有. 工作坊学员可以把作品带回家.
课程时间: 2~3 个小时
地点: 吉隆坡 (时间: 最迟所有活动2019六月前)
Valid until: 2018-09-20
Estimated Delivery: Jun 2019
No Shipping Involved
Support RM100 or more
2 Claimed
Reward 2:
Free Rattan Weaving Workshop for one person (Worth Rm270/=)
Materials included: Rattan & wicker, plier cutters, poker. All tools are not allow to be brought home except students artworks.
Duration: 3~4 hours
Location: Kuala Lumpur
Additional person allow at Rm100/pax
What's More? Lucky Draw for each contribution.
Dermatoglyphics Test & Analysis Report Lucky Draw Worth Rm1997/=.
One out of every 20 draws will be the lucky winner.
All rewards/gift are not exchangeable in the form of cash nor transferable.
All supporters will be invited in Telegram/What's app/WeChat group B (Telegram would be the main interacting tools)
1) 免费参加学习价值Rm270/人的编藤工作坊. 一个人的名额. 若多一个人参加则另付Rm100/人.
材料将包括在内: 藤心, 藤条, 镊子, 钳子剪刀, 等. 所有提供的工具为学院所有. 工作坊学员可以把作品带回家.
课程时间: 3~4 个小时
地点: 吉隆坡(时间: 最迟所有活动2019六月前)
2) 除此以外, 每二十个人里就会抽出一份价值Rm1997/= 的个人完整皮纹测试报告. 所有的回馈赠品不得兑换现金或转让. 我们将会在比赛结束后把支持的朋友邀进群, 通知工作坊的详情及幸运抽奖结果.
Valid until: 2018-09-20
Estimated Delivery: Jun 2019
No Shipping Involved
Support RM1,997 or more
1 Claimed
Reward 3:
Dermatoglyphics Test & Analysis Report for one person worth Rm1997/=
Plus one additional :
Free Dermatoglyphics Test & Analysis Report for one person worth Rm1997/=. 100% Absolutely FOC.
1997 reward points that can be used to participate for on coming workshops, included the face painting & rattan basket weaving workshops stated above.
10 points = Rm10/=.
Reward points may be use as an exchange to use facilities of future borderless school (Terms and conditions apply)
What’s more?
If your dermatoglyphics report TRC score is higher than 196points, Your analysis will be free of charge, you will be pay back Rm990/= (entitle for one person/result score)
All rewards/gift are not exchangeable in the form of cash nor transferable.
All supporters will be invited in Telegram/What's app/WeChat group A (Telegram would be the main interacting tools)
1) 在得到一个价值Rm1997/=的个人皮纹测试及完整的90多面报告外.
将另外获得第二个同等价值的个人皮纹测试及完整的90多面报告, 完全免费.
2) 用同等价值的点数即1997分, 以学员的身份免费参加我们未来的工作坊. 比如脸部彩绘工作坊, 编藤篮工作坊, 木工, 陶艺, 等等. 直至点数享用完. 我们将会陆续设计开办许多有趣特别的工作坊.
或者您也可以把部分点数保留, 以经营者的身份作为我们的合作伙伴使用场所, 享用设备及客源等多种优惠.
3) 另外, 如果你的个人皮纹测试报告超过我的 (>TRC 196), 我将会退回一半的钱给你.
所有的回馈赠品不得兑换现金或转让. 我们将会在比赛结束后把支持的朋友邀进群, 通知工作坊的详情及幸运抽奖结果.
Valid until: 2018-09-20
Estimated Delivery: Jun 2019
No Shipping Involved