Joined February 2020
Welcome ! We are an inter-generational team comprising of Multimedia University Students, Staffs and Pusat Aktiviti Warga Emas (PAWE) members. We are seeking to establish a Homestay managed by the PAW... See More
What Is Home with PAWE ?
HOME with PAWE is an intergenerational project that builds a chain of relationship between the senior citizens and the younger generations. HOME with PAWE is an upcoming private room Homestay which will be in the house of and supervised by PAWE members. Pusat Aktiviti Warga Emas (PAWE) is an organisation which was established for the senior citizens to carry out their daily activities in the community. HOME with PAWE can provide an excellent medium for the senior citizens to indulge in cross-generational interactions as the Homestay will be open to the public regardless of age group.
Why are we doing this ?
The main reason why this project was taken into action was due to the fact that the elderlies are often disregarded as physically unfit and emotionally unstable. Therefore, via this project, we opt to subdue the misconceptions and help them retain the respect they deserve from the society.
Is it really that bad ?
Yes , it’s really that bad as :
Life expectancy chart for malaysians 2013-2019
How does this affect you ?
If you are an elderly this affects your everyday life in all terms.
If you’re a youngster , then do remember one day you will also be an elderly and these problems will then affect you. The situation might also be worse in the future as there is a bill being reviewed to eliminate pensions for new intakes of government officials.
Will this project help to alleviate this problem ?
Yes it will because :
How are we unique from other Homestay or BnB?
Floor Plan
Sample Floor Plan of HomewithPawe private room(depiction may not be accurate)
Our Members
From Upper Left :Shobri , Afif , Lillian , Anusuyah , Siti
From Lower Left : Sangeetha ,Pravina , Evon
Joined February 2020
Welcome ! We are an inter-generational team comprising of Multimedia University Students, Staffs and Pusat Aktiviti Warga Emas (PAWE) members. We are seeking to establish a Homestay managed by the PAWE members in Putrajaya.
1. Thank you email will be sent for every support than have been made.
2. You will receive a thank you note from our Homewithpawe Facebook page.
1. 5 % Discounted stay at our Homestay.
2. Thank you email will be sent to every support that have been made.
3. You will receive a thank you note from our Homewithpawe Facebook page.
1. 10 % Reduction on Putrajaya Cruise.
2. Thank you email will be sent to every support that have been made.
3. You will receive a thank you note from our Homewithpawe Facebook page.
1. An authentic E-recipe book from PAWE members.
2. Thank you email will be sent to every support that have been made.
3. You will receive a thank you note from our Homewithpawe Facebook page.
1. Free Homestay for a night.
2. Thank you email will be sent to every support that have been made.
3. You will receive a thank you note from our Homewithpawe Facebook page.
1. A FREE Mystery Gift !
2. Thank you email will be sent to every support that have been made.
3. You will receive a thank you note from our Homewithpawe Facebook page.
Joined February 2020
Welcome ! We are an inter-generational team comprising of Multimedia University Students, Staffs and Pusat Aktiviti Warga Emas (PAWE) members. We are seeking to establish a Homestay managed by the PAW... See More
What Is Home with PAWE ?
HOME with PAWE is an intergenerational project that builds a chain of relationship between the senior citizens and the younger generations. HOME with PAWE is an upcoming private room Homestay which will be in the house of and supervised by PAWE members. Pusat Aktiviti Warga Emas (PAWE) is an organisation which was established for the senior citizens to carry out their daily activities in the community. HOME with PAWE can provide an excellent medium for the senior citizens to indulge in cross-generational interactions as the Homestay will be open to the public regardless of age group.
Why are we doing this ?
The main reason why this project was taken into action was due to the fact that the elderlies are often disregarded as physically unfit and emotionally unstable. Therefore, via this project, we opt to subdue the misconceptions and help them retain the respect they deserve from the society.
Is it really that bad ?
Yes , it’s really that bad as :
Life expectancy chart for malaysians 2013-2019
How does this affect you ?
If you are an elderly this affects your everyday life in all terms.
If you’re a youngster , then do remember one day you will also be an elderly and these problems will then affect you. The situation might also be worse in the future as there is a bill being reviewed to eliminate pensions for new intakes of government officials.
Will this project help to alleviate this problem ?
Yes it will because :
How are we unique from other Homestay or BnB?
Floor Plan
Sample Floor Plan of HomewithPawe private room(depiction may not be accurate)
Our Members
From Upper Left :Shobri , Afif , Lillian , Anusuyah , Siti
From Lower Left : Sangeetha ,Pravina , Evon
Joined February 2020
Welcome ! We are an inter-generational team comprising of Multimedia University Students, Staffs and Pusat Aktiviti Warga Emas (PAWE) members. We are seeking to establish a Homestay managed by the PAWE members in Putrajaya.
1. Thank you email will be sent for every support than have been made.
2. You will receive a thank you note from our Homewithpawe Facebook page.
1. 5 % Discounted stay at our Homestay.
2. Thank you email will be sent to every support that have been made.
3. You will receive a thank you note from our Homewithpawe Facebook page.
1. 10 % Reduction on Putrajaya Cruise.
2. Thank you email will be sent to every support that have been made.
3. You will receive a thank you note from our Homewithpawe Facebook page.
1. An authentic E-recipe book from PAWE members.
2. Thank you email will be sent to every support that have been made.
3. You will receive a thank you note from our Homewithpawe Facebook page.
1. Free Homestay for a night.
2. Thank you email will be sent to every support that have been made.
3. You will receive a thank you note from our Homewithpawe Facebook page.
1. A FREE Mystery Gift !
2. Thank you email will be sent to every support that have been made.
3. You will receive a thank you note from our Homewithpawe Facebook page.