To our dearest pledgers,
This is an appreciation video from the execution of this crowdfunding campaign as a token of appreciation to all the pledgers that become our backbone in supporting this crowdfunding campaign and helping this orphanages achieve their dream in sports by giving them a brand new sports shoes, sport shoes bag and socks. Plus, with the pandemic that is occuring, we as a team still able to reach out to the management team of Darul Kifayah and with much discussion, we decided the best date to execute this crowdfunding campaign is on the 16th August 2020 (Sunday) at 2PM-4PM. Hope you guys enjoy this appreciation video and some pictures display below from the execution of this campaign. Hope this will put a smile on your faces when watching this video. A million thanks to all of the pledgers from the bottom of our hearts. Do check out of official instagram page as well @umskalxdarulkifayah20 for updates as well.
"I have no other answer make but thanks, and thanks, and ever thanks" (William Shakespeare)
Best and kind regards,
The powerful 22 Team.
Pictures of the execution of the crowdfunding campaign and the content of sports shoes, sport shoe bag and socks for the orphanges