Hello there,
The funds for this project were successfully transferred into our group account and we have used some of the funds to spend the rewards to our supporters as a token of appreciation. Keychains and poscards are the rewards that will be given to our supporters and will post it to them.
In addition, we have entered into an agreement with Chow Kai Xuan, President of Persatuan Mahasiswa Fakulti Kewangan Antrabangsa Labuan (PMFKAL) at UMS Kampus Antrabangsa Labuan (UMSKAL) as a proof before we transfered the balance of the funds. As PMFKAL is responsible to continuing the project mural that will be done at SMK Rancha-Rancha, Labuan on September 2020. The rest of the funds has been safely transfered to PMFKAL’s president on July 14, 2020.
We will update our progress from time to time.
Have a nice day and stay healthy my beloved supporters!