by 麒舞者民族舞团 The Mythical Oriental Dance
《十二金钗》由The Actors Studio与麒舞者民族舞团呈献,《十二金钗》舞蹈演出以中国古典名著《红楼梦》为底本,由马来西亚编舞家郭少麒与香港编舞家林慧恩联合创作,透过古典身韵及华族舞的身体姿态表现红楼梦中女子们的卓越风姿与精神特质。
The Actors Studio presents The Mythical Oriental Dance Company in Ladies of the Red Chamber, a full length Chinese dance performance which inspired by the famous Chinese classical novel – Dream of the Red Chamber. Choreographed by Malaysian choreographer Jack Kek and Hong Kong Choreographer Chris Lam, Chinese classical dance is the highlight of this project as to be used as a medium to illustrate the complex portrait of the female characters in the novel.
In addition, we are honoured to invite the emerging local Chinese music orchestra – Ricco Chinese Chamber Orchestra, and the famous Guzheng artist from Hong Kong - Lee Khun Chap, as our live music artists. Thus, this is a significance Chinese cultural project and international collaboration that integrates Chinese Literature X Chinese Dance X Chinese Music.
Category / Dance