by Kelvin Yee
"The Food House 食屋" 是一个自助式 (Buffet) 中餐厅。独立式建筑物,简约,环保,回归大自然的绿意概念。双模式开放(晴天)和室内(下雨)。幽静的环境,现代装潢,充裕的停车场 ,不负担,公道收费,尽量帮助您放慢脚步,不奢华没有山珍海味但有用心为您准备美食,逢年过节也会必备节日佳肴和满满的人情味。尽量让您餐后能感受到这一切的一切都值了。
分享理念 :
提倡慢活, 注重生活素质, 时间观念管理, 家庭优质时光, 与科技接轨, 跟进现代步伐, 享受桌面团契
希望通过Mystartr众筹平台宣传 ”The Food House 食屋” 的理念和核心价值及筹集资金,以作为创业大赛报名费(RM8,800)用途。当然也是要通过这个平台来学习正确创业理念和开通人脉以及人际关系。谢谢!
“The Food House” has the concept of self-containment, simple, modern, environmentally
friendly, and a green concept of returning to nature. Dual mode (open concept on sunny days)
and (indoor on rainy days). Self-service buffet chinese restaurant, tranquil environment,ample
parking, not burdening,fair price,helping you to slow down your pace,not luxurious,no
delicacies from land and sea,but food prepared from the heart,there will also be festive
delicacies served with love during festive sesons. Doing our level best to make your every meal
Sharing Ideas :
● Promoting Slow Work
● Focus on Quality of Life
● Time Concept Management
● Family Time
● Connecting With Technology
● Keeping Up With Modern Pace
● Enjoy Table Fellowship
Hoping through the "Mystartr" crowdfunding platform. The food House’s philosophy, core
values to raise the start-up competition registration fee (RM8,800).Of course, it is
also necessary to use this platform to learn the correct entrepreneurial ideas and
open up connections and business relationships.Thank you.
Category / Dream factory