by Goh Siao Shan
曾经,我把我的梦想深深地理在心里,—直俳佪在那忙于生活、忙于工作却失了理想的生活里 。 如此浑浑谔谔的生活,让我对自己的梦想不再抱有希望,总想着自己的作品及梦想不会得到别人的支持及认可。
随着网络的发达,facebook (脸书)成为了大家互相沟通及认识的平台。我尝试在脸书上展现自己的作品,意料之外却得到了许多的朋友、同学、亲人与大众的认可及称赞,使我重拾信。
现在的我,不再沉沦在没有方向的生活里,我想做出改变,希望可以透过努力迈向成功的航道上。不管顺风或逆风,我都会尽最大的努力划过去,穿过大浪 ,看见实现梦想的希望。 我要跨过那浩瀚的大海, 扬起梦想的风帆。启航……
画展场地费 RM 1500
宣传与印刷费 RM 1500
框费 RM 2000
“My Art Journey” – Goh Siao Shan, Visual Artist
My Art journey is my first ever solo exhibition. It signifies my dream to set sail towards a truly important milestone in my artistic career. To set sail towards my lifelong passion in art has become something like coming into life for the second time.
The dream was once buried deep down inside of me, as the burden of life overtook me in all aspects. Work, personal and family commitments and other issues made me lose focus on the joy of painting at times. I feared my works would never be appreciated by others.
In recent years, with the advent of social media, I started to share my works on Facebook more frequently. Whenever I have the opportunity to paint, I would share my paintings and to my surprise, they were well received by my friends, family and the general public. The positive comments made gave me back the confidence.
After a few years of painting and participating in the local art scene, I no longer live in self-doubt. I wish to make a change for myself. Through my own sheer determination and hardwork, I have managed to accumulate enough art works to set sail for my first solo exhibition.
Although the wind could be against us, I will try my very best to sail across the raging storm into the right path, towards my dream destination. My journey is all set this time.
画展场地费 RM 1500
宣传与印刷费 RM 1500
框费 RM 2000
Category / Art