Malacca City, Malaysia
Joined April 2015
一个90后互联网原住民,没法升大学出来社会工作选择最传统的产业干起销售员。5年里从马来西亚上游钢铁业至下游五金实体店铺都颇为熟悉。去年的机缘上了互联网行销课,拜读中国奇虎360 CEO周鸿祎著作后茅塞顿开!希望可以运用互联网思维结合传统企业思维帮助更多需要帮助的人! ... See More
With tuition costs skyrocketing, many students cannot afford the education fees for their studies. We hope this campaign to be created to help raise funds for Malaysian students.
2 groups of students will be beneficial in this program:
我姓梁, 名耀辉,Sam。我曾从事非法放贷的活动,我的生命差点在绞刑架上结束了。两年前我接触了基督,接触了主,让我的生命有机会翻开了新的一页。我因为参与了一次的崇拜,而感受到了主的声音。现在的我,结了婚,有一个女儿,一个幸福的家庭。我放弃了所有的非法贷款生意,转行经营天然水果雪糕冰棒工厂。之所以会从事经营天然水果雪糕冰棒工厂,是因为我在一个偶然的机会,尝到了我的家乡怡保的古早手工天然榴莲雪糕冰棒。这种纯正天然的好味道让我想把这个传统天然冰棒的味道留下来!
MR Sam 语录
My name is Leong Yue Wai, Sam. who was usurer and prosecuted once. Two years ago, I expressed the belief in Jesus Christ and stopped usury, and my life comes to new chapter since then. I established my ice cream factory and married with one daughter now. There was a time I tasted local fruity ice cream in Ipoh and planned to inherit this business. Throughout the past jouney, I learned one thing.
“How many people we could help is equivalent to how success we are, so help as many people as you could in your career!”
Recently I want to move my traditional ice cream business to e-commerce platform. By chance, I met Leonard and I hired him. He has a good attitude and an optimistic young guy. He is currently helping me to make my e-commerce dream a reality. And he has this dream to help crowdfund the tuition fees, I want to support him.
Because Malaysians have to save our education.
我是符传吉,Leonard Foo Zhuang Keat,今年22岁。来自马六甲。在我约小学三年级的时候,我的父母就离异了。过后母亲就到外国工作,父亲从事外劳中介,所以得印尼和马来西亚两地奔波。
My name is Leonard Foo Zhuang Keat. I am 22 years old.I am from Malacca. When I was 9 years old ,my parents divorced. After that, my mother went abroad working, and my father is foreign worker agent who tends to travel often. My grandmother has been taking care of us since we were small. My sister and I had graduated with outstanding results too. But when I went to junior high school, my life changed. I liked to play online games and ignored my homeworks. In return, my results were not good afterall and turned worst day by day. During my PMR exam, the 15-year old me was riding bicycle way back home from cyber cafe at midnight. What surprising me was my grandmother never slept whole night to wait me back. It gave me a "wake-up" call. For the next half year, I focused back my studies and results turned better, my result rank was soaring from bottom to the top in the class. I took 7 A in PMR and 8A in SPM. I decided to stop persuing my studying due to the low income concern, all my scholorships were also rejected that time as we had no official payslip from our parents. My sister also failed to apply any grant despite she got amazing result - 9A in SPM at first. What made it different was I worked, and I had official payslip to help my sister applying grant successfully eventually. I worked as Sales executive to reduce the family burden for nearly 5 years and planned to continue study part time once. I also involved in advertising business, metal recycling industry, manufacturing / gas / oil industry and also hardware retail store. During this period, I often noticed many outstanding students tended to left out from grants and could not enroll to the desired courses. I decided to take a bold step to tackle this issue and help as many students pursuing their studies as possible.
I heard and knew crowdfunding as our alternative financial solution when I firstly started to involve in Internet business and participate in Startup gathering. And this is what I need to achieve my dream! I discussed with Sam if we like to operate e-commerce and kick off our crowdfunding plan to help more students.
我们会把Mr Cool IceCream的在这项众筹计划的总众筹款额的25%捐出,目标RM500,000 的 25%(扣除所有必要成本后) = RM125,000.00. 这笔RM125,000,我们会另外开启一个银行户口,存放这笔钱,时时刻刻在Facebook专业公开这笔钱的去向。我们会开设Facebook专业,把所有支持这项众筹计划的热心人士聚集起来。当有清寒学生需要金钱升学时通知我们,或我们发觉,或大众通知我们,我和梁先生的团队会亲自到那位学生的家中实地查看他的情况,商讨怎样帮助他的升学之路。我们都会把实地探访那位学生家庭情况的相关照片上传Facebook专业,以文字叙述他的故事,他的梦想。这项大众筹计划的款项之中的25%都会运用来帮助清寒学生完成大学梦!所有的资讯我们都会上传到官方Facebook专业。
We will donate 25% of total crowdfunded amount of Mr Cool IceCream's sales to students, which is RM125,000.00 (when total amount is RM 500,000). We will open a new bank account and save the money. All moneys and supporters are transparent and listed in our Facebook fanpage. If we receive help needed from student(s), we will personally visit the student and discuss how we could help. All photos will be uploaded to share you about our recent updates. In short, 25% of all the crowdfunding raise fund will be used to help students to acheive their University dream!
Welcome everyone visits the official Facebook page.
Because Malaysians have to save our education.
欢迎大家前来浏览Mr Cool IceCream 最新动向~
Everyone can enjoy our traditional handmade natural fruit ice cream happily without additives and pigment !!!
Welcome to visit Mr Cool Ice Cream official Facebook page~
5年前有个17岁的男生, 因为家庭经济的遽变,教育制度的缺陷,不知道向何方求救没办法之下直接投入职场,放弃了升大学。5年以来 他一直有个大学梦,但现在他需要工作解决负担,所以他希望可以尽他的能力帮助更多想上大学的学生。他不想再在报章看到还有年轻人大学梦碎的报道。他希望不要以成绩为导向来决定是否有资格得到助学金因为他们起跑点都不一样。你是否有朋友是否开开心心拿着成绩单可是拿到大学入取信却伤心到落泪。。。你是否看过你的朋友的孩子拿到好成绩单抱着一起笑,大学入取信却抱着一起哭。。。那个男生和大家一样都很爱这片土地因为马来西亚是我们的家。希望可以让马来西亚变得更好,他,你,大家都能做得到!!!
Five years ago, a 17-year old boy gave up his further study in University due to the economy concern. And now, he decided to fundraise the tuition fees to help more students. Have you ever seen students who could not enrolled to the desired course despite the good results? If you do, please support this project to make Malaysia a better place, everyone can do it!
We all feel "gratitude" is the world's largest energy! Thank you for your love to support. Thank you very much! Because of you , they can achieve their university dream!
Malacca City, Malaysia
Joined April 2015
一个90后互联网原住民,没法升大学出来社会工作选择最传统的产业干起销售员。5年里从马来西亚上游钢铁业至下游五金实体店铺都颇为熟悉。去年的机缘上了互联网行销课,拜读中国奇虎360 CEO周鸿祎著作后茅塞顿开!希望可以运用互联网思维结合传统企业思维帮助更多需要帮助的人!
Malacca City, Malaysia
Joined April 2015
一个90后互联网原住民,没法升大学出来社会工作选择最传统的产业干起销售员。5年里从马来西亚上游钢铁业至下游五金实体店铺都颇为熟悉。去年的机缘上了互联网行销课,拜读中国奇虎360 CEO周鸿祎著作后茅塞顿开!希望可以运用互联网思维结合传统企业思维帮助更多需要帮助的人! ... See More
With tuition costs skyrocketing, many students cannot afford the education fees for their studies. We hope this campaign to be created to help raise funds for Malaysian students.
2 groups of students will be beneficial in this program:
我姓梁, 名耀辉,Sam。我曾从事非法放贷的活动,我的生命差点在绞刑架上结束了。两年前我接触了基督,接触了主,让我的生命有机会翻开了新的一页。我因为参与了一次的崇拜,而感受到了主的声音。现在的我,结了婚,有一个女儿,一个幸福的家庭。我放弃了所有的非法贷款生意,转行经营天然水果雪糕冰棒工厂。之所以会从事经营天然水果雪糕冰棒工厂,是因为我在一个偶然的机会,尝到了我的家乡怡保的古早手工天然榴莲雪糕冰棒。这种纯正天然的好味道让我想把这个传统天然冰棒的味道留下来!
MR Sam 语录
My name is Leong Yue Wai, Sam. who was usurer and prosecuted once. Two years ago, I expressed the belief in Jesus Christ and stopped usury, and my life comes to new chapter since then. I established my ice cream factory and married with one daughter now. There was a time I tasted local fruity ice cream in Ipoh and planned to inherit this business. Throughout the past jouney, I learned one thing.
“How many people we could help is equivalent to how success we are, so help as many people as you could in your career!”
Recently I want to move my traditional ice cream business to e-commerce platform. By chance, I met Leonard and I hired him. He has a good attitude and an optimistic young guy. He is currently helping me to make my e-commerce dream a reality. And he has this dream to help crowdfund the tuition fees, I want to support him.
Because Malaysians have to save our education.
我是符传吉,Leonard Foo Zhuang Keat,今年22岁。来自马六甲。在我约小学三年级的时候,我的父母就离异了。过后母亲就到外国工作,父亲从事外劳中介,所以得印尼和马来西亚两地奔波。
My name is Leonard Foo Zhuang Keat. I am 22 years old.I am from Malacca. When I was 9 years old ,my parents divorced. After that, my mother went abroad working, and my father is foreign worker agent who tends to travel often. My grandmother has been taking care of us since we were small. My sister and I had graduated with outstanding results too. But when I went to junior high school, my life changed. I liked to play online games and ignored my homeworks. In return, my results were not good afterall and turned worst day by day. During my PMR exam, the 15-year old me was riding bicycle way back home from cyber cafe at midnight. What surprising me was my grandmother never slept whole night to wait me back. It gave me a "wake-up" call. For the next half year, I focused back my studies and results turned better, my result rank was soaring from bottom to the top in the class. I took 7 A in PMR and 8A in SPM. I decided to stop persuing my studying due to the low income concern, all my scholorships were also rejected that time as we had no official payslip from our parents. My sister also failed to apply any grant despite she got amazing result - 9A in SPM at first. What made it different was I worked, and I had official payslip to help my sister applying grant successfully eventually. I worked as Sales executive to reduce the family burden for nearly 5 years and planned to continue study part time once. I also involved in advertising business, metal recycling industry, manufacturing / gas / oil industry and also hardware retail store. During this period, I often noticed many outstanding students tended to left out from grants and could not enroll to the desired courses. I decided to take a bold step to tackle this issue and help as many students pursuing their studies as possible.
I heard and knew crowdfunding as our alternative financial solution when I firstly started to involve in Internet business and participate in Startup gathering. And this is what I need to achieve my dream! I discussed with Sam if we like to operate e-commerce and kick off our crowdfunding plan to help more students.
我们会把Mr Cool IceCream的在这项众筹计划的总众筹款额的25%捐出,目标RM500,000 的 25%(扣除所有必要成本后) = RM125,000.00. 这笔RM125,000,我们会另外开启一个银行户口,存放这笔钱,时时刻刻在Facebook专业公开这笔钱的去向。我们会开设Facebook专业,把所有支持这项众筹计划的热心人士聚集起来。当有清寒学生需要金钱升学时通知我们,或我们发觉,或大众通知我们,我和梁先生的团队会亲自到那位学生的家中实地查看他的情况,商讨怎样帮助他的升学之路。我们都会把实地探访那位学生家庭情况的相关照片上传Facebook专业,以文字叙述他的故事,他的梦想。这项大众筹计划的款项之中的25%都会运用来帮助清寒学生完成大学梦!所有的资讯我们都会上传到官方Facebook专业。
We will donate 25% of total crowdfunded amount of Mr Cool IceCream's sales to students, which is RM125,000.00 (when total amount is RM 500,000). We will open a new bank account and save the money. All moneys and supporters are transparent and listed in our Facebook fanpage. If we receive help needed from student(s), we will personally visit the student and discuss how we could help. All photos will be uploaded to share you about our recent updates. In short, 25% of all the crowdfunding raise fund will be used to help students to acheive their University dream!
Welcome everyone visits the official Facebook page.
Because Malaysians have to save our education.
欢迎大家前来浏览Mr Cool IceCream 最新动向~
Everyone can enjoy our traditional handmade natural fruit ice cream happily without additives and pigment !!!
Welcome to visit Mr Cool Ice Cream official Facebook page~
5年前有个17岁的男生, 因为家庭经济的遽变,教育制度的缺陷,不知道向何方求救没办法之下直接投入职场,放弃了升大学。5年以来 他一直有个大学梦,但现在他需要工作解决负担,所以他希望可以尽他的能力帮助更多想上大学的学生。他不想再在报章看到还有年轻人大学梦碎的报道。他希望不要以成绩为导向来决定是否有资格得到助学金因为他们起跑点都不一样。你是否有朋友是否开开心心拿着成绩单可是拿到大学入取信却伤心到落泪。。。你是否看过你的朋友的孩子拿到好成绩单抱着一起笑,大学入取信却抱着一起哭。。。那个男生和大家一样都很爱这片土地因为马来西亚是我们的家。希望可以让马来西亚变得更好,他,你,大家都能做得到!!!
Five years ago, a 17-year old boy gave up his further study in University due to the economy concern. And now, he decided to fundraise the tuition fees to help more students. Have you ever seen students who could not enrolled to the desired course despite the good results? If you do, please support this project to make Malaysia a better place, everyone can do it!
We all feel "gratitude" is the world's largest energy! Thank you for your love to support. Thank you very much! Because of you , they can achieve their university dream!
Malacca City, Malaysia
Joined April 2015
一个90后互联网原住民,没法升大学出来社会工作选择最传统的产业干起销售员。5年里从马来西亚上游钢铁业至下游五金实体店铺都颇为熟悉。去年的机缘上了互联网行销课,拜读中国奇虎360 CEO周鸿祎著作后茅塞顿开!希望可以运用互联网思维结合传统企业思维帮助更多需要帮助的人!